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Grama Bermuda (Bermudagrass)

La Bermuda es un tipo de grama o césped. Se le puede identificar por su nombre en inglés Bermudagrass, comúnmente utlizado en español. 


Centipedegrass for Florida Lawns

LH009/ENH8 by J. B. Unruh, A. J. Lindsey, and M. SchiavonMarch 5, 2024Centipedegrass is a commonly grown, low input turfgrass used in landscapes throughout the state of Florida. This factsheet provide science based information on the culture and management of centipedegrass including mowing, irrigation, pest control, and cultural practices.

Synthetic Turfgrass and the Nine Principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™

EP612/ENH1348by Jason Kruse, Bryan Unruh, Jennifer Marvin, Tom Wichman, Lynn Barber, Norma Samuel, John Bossart, Claire Lewis, and Esen MomolDecember 7, 2021Synthetic turf is a manufactured product that utilizes synthetic fibers that mimic the aesthetic look of natural grass. While designed to imitate the look of natural turf, synthetic turf does not provide the ecosystem benefits of a natural turf system. This publication examines the properties of synthetic turf in relation to each of FFL’s nine principles. A new publication of the UF/IFAS Environmental Horticulture Department; 4 pages.

Publicaciones relacionadas en el blog de IFAS

Video: Mimosa as a Lawn Companion Plant

Beth BollesJuly 3rd, 2024The native Powderpuff mimosa, Mimosa strigillosa, has potential as a turf companion in the North Florida landscape. Learn about the growth of this plant to determine if you want to add it as a groundcover or companion plant in your yard. UF IFAS Extension Escambia County.

May 2024 Class List

Morgan RothApril 23rd, 2024Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences! Make sure to follow us on Eventbrite to be notified by email whenever we post a new class: Want this sent to your email? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: You Can Brew It Too! April 30 | 3 pm – […]

Why Does My Turfgrass Turn Brown

Susan HaddockFebruary 8th, 2024I frequently get questions asking, “Why is this turfgrass turning brown?” The quick answer is that it depends, although that alone is not helpful. There are two reasons why turfgrass begins to yellow or get chlorotic, and in some cases continues to a straw or brown appearance. Reason One The first reason is due to […]

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