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Florida Turfgrass Identification

Alex J. Lindsey, Claude J. Jean, Marco Schiavon, Kevin E. Kenworthy, and J. Bryan Unruh

Proper turfgrass identification is required before considering any lawn maintenance practices. Each of the different grasses used for Florida lawns have different management. Without accurate identification, mismanagement could occur, leading to undesirable results. Turfgrass identification can be challenging due to the lack of inflorescence or seedheads at certain times in their life cycle or due to being mowed off. Thus, other plant characteristics are used to help with turfgrass identification. This publication is intended for Florida lawn and landscape enthusiasts and landscape maintenance professions to help them identify different Florida turfgrasses. Some useful characteristics are found below and in Figure 1. Additionally, Figures 2–4 include a turfgrass identification key based on morphological characteristics. Lastly, another useful way to identify turfgrass is from the seedheads, which can be found in Figure 5.

  • Vernation — How new leaf blades emerge from the sheath.
  • Leaf blade — Upper part of the grass leaf.
  • Leaf tip — Shape of the leaf tip.
  • Sheath — Lower part of the grass leaf that connects to the node.
  • Collar — Location of where the sheath and blade come together.
  • Ligule — Structure at the junction of the leaf sheath and blade.
  • Auricle — Appendages that grow from the collar.
  • Seedhead — Also called inflorescence; the flower head at the end of the stem.
  • Growth habit — How a plant develops new plants or spreads. Turfgrasses used for Florida lawns typically spread laterally via stolons (aboveground stems) and/or rhizomes (belowground stems).
Diagram labeling the parts of a turfgrass. From top to bottom, seedhead, blade, internode, node, stolon and new plants coming from stolen, crown, rhizome and new plants from rhizome, and roots. a close up of the internode area labels the grass blade, node, collar, and then sheath.
Figure 1. Parts of a grass plant.
Credit: VectorMine –


Graphic chart. Title reads "Examine the Vernation." A picture labeled "Folded" shows a straight stem but the collar breaks away from the sheath at about a 40 degree angle. The collar is slightly folded in half. Folder grasses are listed below the image: St. Augustinegrass, Centipedegrass, Bermudagrass, and Seashore Paspalum. Another picture is labeled "rolled." The collar breaks away at the sheath, but the collar fans out and flattens out from its intersection with the sheath. Listed below the image: Zoysiagrass and Bahiagrass.
Figure 2. Turfgrass identification key based on morphological characteristics.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Graphic chart. Title reads "Folded Vernation, Examine the ligule:' A picture labeled "Membranous" lists grass and info below: Centipedegrass is membranous with cottony hairs and has stolons only while Seashore Paspalum is membranous with a fringe of hairs and has rhizomes and stolons. Another picture labeled "Fringe of Hairs" lists below: St. Augustinegrass has stolons only and has a contricted collar with a twist, while Bermudagrass has rhizomes and stolons.
Figure 3. Turfgrass identification key based on morphological characteristics.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Graphic chart. Title reads "Rolled Vernation, Examine the ligule." A picture labeled "Membranous" lists below: Bahiagrass is membranous with a fringe of hairs and has stout, fleshy rhizomes that can be aboveground. Another picture labeled "Fringe of Hairs/Hairy" lists below: Zoysiagrass has rhizomes and stolons and has extra sheath material that is brown located at the nodes.
Figure 4. Turfgrass identification key based on morphological characteristics.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Graphic chart titled "Turfgrass ID: seed heads." The following describe pictures for each species. St. Augustinegrass: one single spike flowering on all sides. Zoysiagrass: straight and densely flowering on all sides. Bermudagrass: several "spikes" which in this image form an X jutting out a single stalk and each spike flower on all sides. Centipedegrass: several shorter spikes jut out over the length of the straight stalk of the seedhead, flowering densely. Seashore Paspalum: two branches fork out from the straight stalk and flowers densely from all sides of those branches. Bahiagrass: Y-shaped with two branches fork out from the straight stalk and flowers on only one side of each branch.
Figure 5. Turfgrass identification based on seedheads.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS

Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge)

Bahiagrass (Figure 6) is viewed as a low-maintenance turfgrass that does well with limited water and fertilizer inputs. It forms an extensive, deep root system, and it is not prone to forming excessive thatch. However, it does produce tall seedheads, and it forms a relatively open turf canopy (Figure 6). Bahiagrass can be identified from the characteristics in Table 1. For more information on bahiagrass, refer to ENH6, “Bahiagrass for Florida Lawns” (

Table 1. Bahiagrass identification characteristics.




Rolled, but can appear folded (Figure 7)

Leaf blade

Medium to coarse textured

Leaf tip



Smooth or hairy; can be flattened




Membranous with a fringe of hairs (Figure 8)




“Y-shaped” (Figure 9)

Growth habit

Thick woody rhizomes, which can have a slight purple color towards the base of the plant (Figure 10)


Figure 6. Bahiagrass.
Credit: Natasha Restuccia, UF/IFAS


Figure 7. Bahiagrass rolled vernation.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 8. Bahiagrass ligule: membranous with a fringe of hairs.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 9. Bahiagrass “Y-shaped” seedheads.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 10. Bahiagrass thick, fleshy rhizome.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS

Bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.)

Bermudagrass (Figure 11) is viewed as a high-maintenance turfgrass, and generally, it requires greater input levels compared to other Florida lawn grasses. It produces a vigorous, dense turf when managed properly. However, it can have poor tolerance to many pests, and it has poor cold and shade tolerance. Additionally, excessive thatch buildup is common due to its aggressive growth. Bermudagrass can be identified from characteristics in Table 2. For more information on bermudagrass, refer to ENH19, “Bermudagrass for Florida Lawns” (

Table 2. Bermudagrass identification characteristics.




Folded (Figure 12)

Leaf blade

Very fine to coarse textured (species and cultivar dependent)

Leaf tip



Smooth or with scattered/sparse hairs




Fringe of hairs (Figure 13)




3–5 spikes (Figure 14)

Growth habit

Rhizomes and stolons with uneven/variable-length leaf spacing (Figure 15)


Figure 11. Bermudagrass.
Credit: Natasha Restuccia, UF/IFAS


Figure 12. Bermudagrass folded vernation.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 13. Bermudagrass ligule: fringe of hairs.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy and Jason Kruse, UF/IFAS


Figure 14. Bermudagrass seedheads.
Credit: Pawel Petelewicz, UF/IFAS


Figure 15. (Left) Bermudagrass rhizomes and stolons. (Right) Bermudagrass uneven leaf spacing. 
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS 

Centipedegrass (Eremochloa ophiuroides [Munro] Hack.)

Centipedegrass (Figure 16) is viewed as a low-maintenance, slow-growing turfgrass that has low fertility requirements and grows well in acidic soils. It grows close to the ground and has a lighter green color than other Florida lawn grasses. Mismanagement, especially overfertilizing with nitrogen, can increase pest problems and reduce cold tolerance. Centipedegrass can be identified from the characteristics in Table 3. For more information on centipedegrass, refer to ENH8, “Centipedegrass for Florida Lawns” (

Table 3. Centipedegrass identification characteristics.




Folded (Figure 17)

Leaf blade

Medium textured; hairs on leaf margin

Leaf tip

Blunt, rounded




Constricted with a broad blade and sheath; has hairs (Figure 18)


Membranous with cottony hairs (Figure 19)




Spike (Figure 5)

Growth habit

Stolons only, no rhizomes (Figure 20)


Figure 16. Centipedegrass.
Credit: Chase McKeithen, UF/IFAS


Figure 17. Centipedegrass folded vernation.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 18. Centipedegrass collar: constricted with broad blade and sheath and has hairs.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 19. Centipedegrass ligule: membranous with cottony hairs.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 20. Centipedegrass stolons.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS

Seashore Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz.)

Seashore paspalum (Figure 21) is viewed as a higher-maintenance turfgrass that does well in areas with high salinity. It produces a dense, dark-green turf when managed properly. However, it is prone to excessive thatch buildup. It has poor cold and shade tolerance, but it can withstand extended periods of low light intensity. Seashore paspalum can be identified from the characteristics in Table 4.

Table 4. Seashore paspalum identification characteristics.




Folded (Figure 22)

Leaf blade

Very fine to coarse textured (cultivar dependent)

Leaf tip



Smooth or sparsely hairy




Membrane with fine hairs on upper edge (Figure 23)




Fork with two branches (Figure 5)

Growth habit

Rhizomes and stolons with even leaf spacing (Figure 24)


Figure 21. Seashore paspalum.
Credit: A.J. Lindsey, UF/IFAS


Figure 22. Seashore paspalum folded vernation.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 23. Seashore paspalum ligule: membranous with a fringe of hairs.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 24. (Top) Seashore paspalum rhizomes and stolons. (Bottom) Seashore paspalum even leaf spacing.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS

St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum [Walt.] Kuntze)

St. Augustinegrass (Figure 25) is adapted to most soils and climatic regions in Florida. It produces a dense, green to blue-green turf. It has relatively good salt tolerance, and certain cultivars have better shade tolerance than other Florida lawn grasses. However, it can produce excessive thatch when mismanaged, and it has poor wear tolerance. St. Augustinegrass, which is the most distinct turfgrass species in Florida, can be identified from the characteristics in Table 5. For more information on St. Augustinegrass, refer to ENH5, “St. Augustinegrass for Florida Lawns” (

Table 5. St. Augustinegrass identification characteristics.




Folded (Figure 26)

Leaf blade

Coarse textured

Leaf tip

Blunt, rounded


Flattened, smooth


Constricted with twist and broad leaf blade and sheath (Figure 27)


Few to fringe of hairs (Figure 28)




Spike (Figure 5)

Growth habit

Stolons only, no rhizomes (Figure 29)


Figure 25. St. Augustinegrass.
Credit: Natasha Restuccia, UF/IFAS


Figure 26. St. Augustinegrass folded vernation.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 27. St. Augustinegrass collar: constricted with a twist.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 28. St. Augustinegrass ligule and collar.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy and Jason Kruse, UF/IFAS


Figure 29. St. Augustinegrass stolons.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS

Zoysiagrass (Zoysia spp.)

Zoysiagrass (Figure 30) is adapted to a variety of soils and climatic regions in Florida; however, zoysiagrass maintenance is different from other Florida lawn grasses. Improper maintenance practices generally lead to undesirable turfgrass. Zoysiagrass produces a dense turf stand that is resistant to weed invasion when properly managed, and it has good salt, traffic, and shade tolerance. However, it can produce excessive thatch when mismanaged. Zoysiagrass can be identified from the characteristics in Table 6. For more information on zoysiagrass, refer to ENH11, “Zoysiagrass for Florida Lawns” (

Table 6. Zoysiagrass identification characteristics.




Rolled (Figure 31)

Leaf blade

Very fine to coarse textured; can have fine hairs above; leaf blades are stiff

Leaf tip





Broad to narrow (species dependent); some have long hairs


Fringe of hairs (Figure 32)




Spikelet (Figure 33)

Growth habit

Rhizomes and stolons; the internodes are generally more uniform compared to bermudagrass (Figure 34)


Figure 30. Zoysiagrass.
Credit: Natasha Restuccia, UF/IFAS


Figure 31. Zoysiagrass rolled vernation.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS


Figure 32. Zoysiagrass ligule: fringe of hairs.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy and Jason Kruse, UF/IFAS


Figure 33. Zoysiagrass spikelets seedheads.
Credit: Alejandra Sierra, UF/IFAS


Figure 34. Zoysiagrass rhizomes and stolons.
Credit: Kevin Kenworthy, UF/IFAS

Table 7. Summary table of turfgrass identification characteristics.





Seashore paspalum

St. Augustinegrass



Rolled, but can appear folded (Figure 7)

Folded (Figure 12)

Folded (Figure 17)

Folded (Figure 22)

Folded (Figure 26)

Rolled (Figure 31)

Leaf blade

Medium to coarse textured

Very fine to coarse textured (species and cultivar dependent)

Medium textured; hairs on leaf margin

Very fine to coarse textured (cultivar dependent)

Coarse textured

Very fine to coarse textured; can have fine hairs above; leaf blades are stiff

Leaf tip



Blunt, rounded


Blunt, rounded



Smooth or hairy; can be flattened

Smooth or with scattered/sparse hairs


Smooth or sparsely hairy

Flattened, smooth





Constricted with broad blade and sheath; has hairs (Figure 18)


Constricted with twist and broad leaf blade and sheath (Figure 27)

Broad to narrow (species dependent); some have long hairs


Membranous with a fringe of hairs (Figure 8)

Fringe of hairs (Figure 13)

Membranous with cottony hairs (Figure 19)

Membrane with fine hairs on upper edge (Figure 23)

Few to fringe of hairs (Figure 28)

Fringe of hairs (Figure 32)









“Y-shaped” (Figure 9)

3–5 spikes (Figure 14)

Spike (Figure 5)

Fork with two branches (Figure 5)

Spike (Figure 5)

Spikelet (Figure 33)

Growth habit

Thick woody rhizomes, which can have a slight purple color towards the base of the plant (Figure 10)

Rhizomes and stolons with uneven/variable-length leaf spacing (Figure 15)

Stolons only, no rhizomes (Figure 20)

Rhizomes and stolons with even leaf spacing (Figure 24)

Stolons only, no rhizomes (Figure 29)

Rhizomes and stolons; the internodes are generally more uniform compared to bermudagrass (Figure 34)