Folta, Kevin M.
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professor of plant physiology and molecular biology, UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department, Gainesville FL
Horticultural Sciences Profile
Kevin M. Folta, Dustin Huff, and Ali Sarkhosh
Despite being cultivated in China for millennia, the Chinese jujube is mostly unknown to Western consumers. The fruits are borne from vigorous trees that are tolerant to drought and other stresses, as well as disease. A number of cultivars have been demonstrated to produce in Florida. This publication is a review of jujube genetics and management as this crop gains favor among growers on small farms and home growers.
Seonghee Lee, Cheolmin Yoo, Yoon Jeong Jang, Kevin Folta, and Vance M. Whitake
A UF/IFAS numbered Fact Sheet. in support of UF/IFAS Extension program: Plant Systems
Peter C. Andersen, Muhammad A. Shahid, and Kevin Folta
A UF/IFAS numbered Fact Sheet.
Feijoa is often found in central and north Florida landscapes as a durable and cold-hardy plant for hedges and foundation plantings, and as a dooryard fruit. Its value as a potentially heavy producer of flavorful fruits (and flavorful flowers) is frequently overlooked due to issues in pollination and limited genetic improvement. This new 5-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department describes the opportunity and limitations of feijoa as a horticultural crop.