Stein, Taylor
professor and associate director, UF/IFAS School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences, Gainesville, FL
- Introducing Ecotourism to Florida's Counties and Landowners: An Ecotourism/Nature Based Tourism Fact Sheet
- Expanding Florida's Farming Business to Incorporate Tourism
- Planning for the Many Benefits of Nature-Based Recreation
- Principles for Developing Your Ecotourism Business Plan
- Integrating Sustainability into Your Ecotourism Operation
- How to Develop a Marketing Plan for Your Ecotourism Business
- Valuing the Ecosystem Services of Florida’s Forest Conservation Programs: The Economic Benefits of Protecting Water Quality
- Public Land Management Agencies' and Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners' Perceptions towards Ecosystem Services
- Opening the Door to Nature: Accounting for People's Constraints to Nature-Based Recreation
Specialist/ssa/rsa - Current