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Pollinator Appreciation Month

Julia SirchiaJune 27th, 2024June is Pollinator Month! Pollinators are crucial for the reproduction of all kinds of plants. You’ve thought about where a baby comes from, but have you ever thought where a peach comes from? Let’s explore why June is dedicated to these essential creatures. What are pollinators? Pollinators have a critical role in plant reproduction. There […]

Ways to water: Overhead Irrigation

Julia SirchiaJune 25th, 2024What is Overhead Irrigation? When we say overhead irrigation, it refers to any system or cultural practice that describes irrigating from above. Most commonly, this term refers to sprinklers. There’s a large variety of sprinklers that are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. The most common sprinklers are hose-end, impact sprinklers, and gear driven sprinklers. […]

Ways to Water: Overhead Irrigation

Julia SirchiaJune 25th, 2024What is the go-to way you water your garden? There is not one way to water your garden, in this series we will explore the importance of watering your plants, or irrigation. There are several methods of watering the garden. One of these methods is overhead watering. What is overhead irrigation? Overhead irrigation mainly refers […]

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