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Horizon 314—A New Winter Oat Cultivar for Both Grain and Forage

Ann Blount, Ronald Barnett, Jerry Johnson, Cheryl Mackowiak, and Yoana Newman

Horizon 314 is a winter oat cultivar that was co-developed by the University of Florida (UF) and the University of Georgia (UGA). Horizon 314 is early maturing and high yielding. It also has moderate lodging resistance. The cultivar originated from a single cross of Florida 502/Coker 84–15. It has short, moderately plump seed with Florida 502's white color. Horizon 314 is similar in appearance to GA-Mitchell, but it matures about five days earlier. Horizon 314 is an excellent grain and forage oat adapted to the southern United States.

Horizon 314 has a winter growth habit with a low vernalization requirement. Horizon 314 is relatively tall, and it has good winter survival, moderate straw strength, and excellent crown rust resistance.

At the time of its release in 2000, Horizon 314 exhibited excellent resistance to prevalent races of crown rust and was moderately resistant to Helminthosporium leaf spot. Horizon 314 is susceptible to prevalent races of stem rust and is moderately susceptible to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV). Since it is aphid vectored, delaying planting until cooler weather tends to alleviate the spread of the virus. When planted early fall for forage, Horizon 314 is considered to be very disease resistant, although BYDV infection may result in some stunting and leaf discoloration.

Grain Production

Horizon 314 was among the highest in grain yield of the experimental lines. It exceeded all the commercial varieties in the 1994 and 1995 USDA-ARS Uniform Winter Oat Yield Trials conducted at a number of locations throughout the southeastern United States. The mean grain yield for Horizon 314 generally exceeded or equaled other oat cultivars in multiple location-year trials.

In 1994, Horizon 314 ranked second in the trials and averaged 3046 lb./ac. across 17 locations. In 1995, Horizon 314 ranked sixth and averaged 2380 lb./ac. across 18 locations. Despite a severe crown rust epidemic in 1995 that greatly reduced most commercial varieties yields in the trial, Horizon 314 exhibited excellent field resistance. Among the entries, Horizon 314 had the highest grain yield in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama with average grain production outside these states.

Forage Production

Horizon 314 has been a reliable forage producer and has been recommended for grazing and hay production. This oat also fits well in dairy silage operations where high-quality, cool-season forages are used for green chop or silage. In forage trials conducted in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama, Horizon 314 had a mean yield of 3898 lb./ac., which is considerably greater than the overall test mean of 3552 lb./ac.

Horizon 314 is sold as a class of certified seed by variety name only. Horizon 314 was released exclusively to Plantation Seeds, Inc. in Newton, GA.

Horizon 314 oat is considered to be an excellent choice for grain and forage use across the southeastern United States.