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Agaves: Cheers to spirits in the garden

Hannah Eason (formerly Wooten)May 4th, 2023Bring mezcal to life; grow agaves in the garden! Agave is generally tolerant of Florida’s climate with its succulent leaves showcasing different shades of greens and blues. The shape of the plant generates interest, and it makes a great statement in the landscape. A plant can and should resemble so much more. Plants and gardens […]

Científico de UF/IFAS trabaja en la identificación y control de una plaga que ataca al frijol, guisante y otras legumbres cultivadas en Florida y a nivel internacional

Luz BahderApril 21st, 2023Los trips de las flores del frijol, conocidos por su nombre científico Megalurothrips usitatus, atacan las leguminosas como los frijoles y los guisantes. En algunos casos, puede acabar con todo un campo de cultivo. En los últimos tres años, esta especie se estableció en Florida, México, Centroamérica y parte del Caribe. En el caso específico […]

Chasing the Worm, Identifying the Species–Mezcal Science

Hannah Eason (formerly Wooten)April 10th, 2023Did you know that nobody knew what kind of worm was in mezcal? Recently, UF entomologists chased the worm all the way to the agave farms making mezcal in Mexico. Mezcal is a growing industry, and while it has been consumed for hundreds of years, the lingering worm at the bottom of the bottle was […]

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