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Florida teen spearheads Antarctic scuba research

Megan WinslowJune 4th, 2024John Humphreys had never seen snow in person until he ventured to Buffalo, New York in January — to scuba dive. Just a month later, the 15-year-old Tampa resident and 4-H member was navigating underwater around Antarctic icebergs. Now back from his nearly three-week journey, John plans to spend most of his summer analyzing iceberg-related […]

Water Conservation During Drought

Tia SilvasyMay 27th, 2024When it’s hot and dry out it is important to think of water conservation. In Florida, more than 50% of our potable water is used for lawns and landscapes in residential housing. The goal is to keep our plants alive, while conserving water. Here are a few adjustments you can make to your lawn and […]

Heart of 4-H: Cultivating Gratitude in Youth

ambernorrisMay 9th, 2024Gift giving occasions can teach youth the benefits of gratitude. These adults may be someone the youth may want to thank.  Many times, around holidays and special occasions we buy gifts for others to show our gratitude.  You may ask yourself, “how can youth give gifts to show their appreciation if they do not have […]

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