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Mentoring Language-How to Use it Effectively

elaniemasonJuly 24th, 2024Mentoring Language- How to Use It Effectively Using appropriate language within your mentor relationship is vital to ensuring the relationship is open and positive. There are seven categories that can help you foster effective language when mentoring a new employee. Here are some helpful tips per category that will help you build meaningful conversations with […]

Active Learning Program Mentoring and the PIO

Entomology EmilySeptember 7th, 2023Hello Avid Readers! Thanks for coming back. This week, I have a special treat to share. I have become a mentor with the Active Learning Program at the University of Florida. So, this semester I will be mentoring an undergraduate Olivia Maule, and showing her the ropes of being a PSEP. Please read more to […]

January – National Mentoring Month

Tycee PrevattJanuary 6th, 2023Did you know January is National Mentoring Month?  The definition of a mentor is an experienced or trusted advisor. In life, many of us have mentors whom we look up to and seek advice from. Did you know mentoring benefits both the mentor and the mentee? These benefits include: Improved confidence. The development of communication […]