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Small Farms

Farms with less than $250,000 gross receipts annually, on which day-to-day labor and management are provided by the farmer and/or the farm family that owns the production or owns, or leases, the productive assets. [NALT]

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Cottage Foods

In 2011, the Florida Legislature enacted HB 7209 (now Section 500.80, Florida Statutes) ( allowing individuals to manufacture, sell, and store certain types of cottage foods in an unlicensed kitchen.

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Florida Farm Pests: Spider Mites

Luis Rodriguez RosadoSeptember 10th, 2024Many arthropods are considered to be pests and can cause negative impacts on agricultural and nursery plants. The majority of these arthropods are insects. On the other hand, not all arthropod pests are insects and some of them may be confused for insects, such as the case of spider mites.   What Are Spider Mites […]

Plagas de las Fincas de Florida: Ácaros (“Spider Mites”)

Luis Rodriguez RosadoSeptember 10th, 2024Muchos artrópodos se consideran plagas y pueden causar impactos negativos en los cultivos y a las plantas ornamentales. La mayoría de estos artrópodos son insectos. Sin embargo, no todas las plagas pertenecen al grupo de los insectos y algunas de ellas pueden confundirse con los este grupo, como es el caso de los ácaros.   […]

Cottage Food & Essential Farm Equipment at the 2024 Fall Southwest Florida Small Farmer Network Meeting

Luis Rodriguez RosadoAugust 14th, 2024Plenty of farmers are selling their products on their farms to increase their customers. Many of these products require a food permit that the farmer must obtain before selling. On the other hand, there are several products that farmers can sell without a permit by following the cottage food law.   What is the Cottage […]

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