4-H Livestock Judging Curriculum
The Florida 4-H Livestock Judging Curriculum (4H ASJ 20), a part of the OUR LIVING WORLD curriculum framework, includes the basic premise that judging actvities provide youth with an excellent opportunity to develop communication, decision making and organizational skills, and enhance their confidence and self esteem. The 4-H Animal Science program provides an opportunity for young people to practice a variety of life skills while learning subject matter. Additional resources can be found on the UF/IFAS Deparmtent of Animal Sciences Livestock Evaluation website.
The Florida 4-H Livestock Judging Curriculum (4H ASJ 20), a part of the OUR LIVING WORLD curriculum framework, includes the basic premise that judging actvities provide youth with an excellent opportunity to develop communication, decision making and organizational skills, and enhance their confidence and self esteem. The 4-H Animal Science program provides an opportunity for young people to practice a variety of life skills while learning subject matter. Additional resources can be found on the UF/IFAS Deparmtent of Animal Sciences Livestock Evaluation website.
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