Zangroniz, Ana
Florida Sea Grant Extension agent II, M.S., UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade County, Miami, FL
- Artificial Reefs in Florida 101 – effects on fish: Part 2 of an Artificial Reef series
- An update on Florida’s Artificial Reefs: recent deployments and trends
- Artificial Reefs in Florida 101: Effects on Fishers (and Divers)—Part 3 of an Artificial Reef Series
- An Update on Florida’s Artificial Reefs: Recent Research and What It Means for Florida
- Responsible Boating Protects Seagrass Meadows
- Responsible Boating Protects Coral Reefs
- What is oyster shell recycling?
- The Coral Holobiont: A Brief Overview of Corals and Their Microbiome