Baucum, Leslie E
Former regional sugarcane/agronomic Extension agent II, Hendry County, LaBelle, FL
Profile, South Florida Beef-Forage Program
- Sugarcane Plant Nutrient Diagnosis
- Calcium Silicate Recommendations for Sugarcane on Florida Organic Soils
- Life Cycle of the Lesser Cornstalk Borer in Sugarcane
- Lesser Cornstalk Borer Damage to Sugarcane and the Effects of Tillage and Harvest Residue Management
- Biology and Control of Coast Cockspur in Sugarcane
- Biology and Control of Goosegrass in Sugarcane
- Biology and Control of Horse Purslane and Common Purslane in Sugarcane
- Biology and Control of Sorghum-almum in Sugarcane
- Effects of Harvest Method on Microclimate in Florida Sugarcane
- Nitrogen Fertilizer Recommendations for Sugarcane Production for Sugar on Florida Sand Soils
External - Former