Cantrell, Megan S.
lecturer, M.S., leadership education, UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, Gainesville, FL
- Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Activities to Engage Youth With Practices of Exemplary Leaders
- Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Model the Way
- Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Inspire a Shared Vision
- Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Challenge the Process
- Navigating the Unprecedented: Leading Remotely Unexpectedly
- Navigating the Unprecedented: Working Remotely Unexpectedly
- Icebreakers for Adults
- Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Enable Others to Act
- Exemplary Youth Leadership Series: Encourage the Heart
- Engaging Learners via Live Online Learning
- Generations at a Glance
- Social Norms for Behavior Change: A Synopsis
- Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventory: Instrumentation and Application for Extension Professionals
- Recruiting and Retaining Generation Z in the Workforce
- Using Personality Type Preferences to Enhance Team Work in Extension Programs