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Agricultural Education and Communication

"The UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication (AEC) develops leaders, educators and communicators to meet the challenges society is facing in the agriculture and natural resource industries." --- About AEC

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Getting Engaged: Facilitating Virtual Events for Maximum Accessibility

WC455/AEC794by Kathryn A. StoferSeptember 10, 2024Virtual and hybrid events present both challenges and opportunities for engaging persons with disabilities. In particular, accommodations for people who are blind or low vision, and deaf or hard of hearing, are common challenges that technology has been able to address but still require some work on the part of facilitators in similar manners to in-person events. Centering accessibility, however, opens up your events and often makes them more welcoming for non-disabled participants as well. This document will overview strategies for event facilitators for ensuring maximum accessibility for virtual events to allow a wide variety of participants.Critical Issue: Other

Conducting Productive Team Meetings

WC466/AEC805by Carrie N. Baker, Matthew Gold, Sarah A. Bush, Laura L. Greenhaw, and Rachel BidermanAugust 27, 2024This publication outlines tips and strategies for team leaders running meetings. Written by Carrie N. Baker, Matthew Gold, Sarah A. Bush, Laura L. Greenhaw, and Rachel Biderman, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, August 2024.Critical Issue: Organizational Goals

Residents’ Perceived Outcomes of Irrigation Restriction Compliance: A Guide for Florida’s Water Conservation Professionals

WC467/AEC806by Laura Warner, Sravani Pasula, Dharmendra Kalauni, Jamie Loizzo, and Sadie HundemerAugust 14, 2024This publication is intended to provide information about Floridians’ expected outcomes associated with complying with irrigation restrictions so educators and communicators (e.g., Extension professionals and conservation coordinators) can integrate this information into outreach. Written by Laura Warner, Sravani Pasula, Dharmendra Kalauni, Jamie Loizzo, and Sadie Hundemer, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, August 2024.Critical Issue: Organizational Goals

Adult Vaccine Confidence and Disparities in Florida

WC464/AEC803by Kathryn A. Stofer, Alissa V. Katsaras, Skye Dougan, and LaToya O’NealJuly 18, 2024This first document in the Adult Vaccination in Florida series provides an overview of expert medical perspectives towards recommended vaccinations for adults in Florida as well as areas of recognized disparities. Written by Kathryn A. Stofer, Alissa V. Katsaras, Skye Dougan, and LaToya O’Neal, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, June 2024.Critical Issue: Organizational Goals

Leading Teams #4: Storming

WC463/AEC802by Sarah A. Bush, Carrie N. Baker, Laura L. Greenhaw, and Matthew GoldJuly 18, 2024This publication from the Leading Teams series explains the second stage of group development: the storming stage. This publication highlights the importance of conflict and ways that leaders and team members can effectively navigate and learn from team challenges and disruptions. Written by Sarah A. Bush, Carrie N. Baker, Laura L. Greenhaw, and Matthew Gold, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, June 2024.Critical Issue: Organizational Goals