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Plant Propagation

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Easy tips for propagating plants

David AustinSeptember 16th, 2021Plant Collectors Many gardeners love to collect plants. Many of you have pinched stems off a plant when no one was looking! You know who you are! My Mother was one of those people. If she was at the old Cypress Gardens in Winter Haven, now Legoland, she was sure to have her large purse. […]

EDIS Update: LED Light Increases Leaf Area and Root Length of Humulus lupulus (var. Tettnanger) In Vitro

Caroline WarwickSeptember 22nd, 2020Hops, a growing specialty crop in Florida, are most well-known for their contributions to beer. Hop plants are often reproduced using vegetative techniques, but micropropagation is becoming more popular due to an increased production rate. In this EDIS publication, MREC faculty members discuss the use of LED light treatments when micropropagatively reproducing plant material. For […]

Easy Tips to Rooting Plants

David AustinMay 28th, 2020What is propagation? Propagation is simply the process of starting new plants. A common way of propagation is, of course, germinating seeds. Propagation with seeds is known as sexual propagation. Some problems with growing plants from seed are that some plants don’t have viable seeds, others might be extremely hard to germinate, or not grow […]

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