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UF/IFAS alcanzó un nuevo récord para el año fiscal del 2023 con más de $300 millones en gastos de investigación

Luz BahderSeptember 18th, 2023Creado por Meredith Bauer, sénior especialista en relaciones públicas de UF/IFAS. University of Florida – Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) alcanzó un nuevo récord para el año fiscal del 2023 con más de $300 millones en gastos de investigación. Esta cifra representa un aumento del 8% en comparación con los $278 millones utilizados […]

AI center coming to Gulf Coast Research and Education Center; will provide boost for agriculture

Brad BuckOctober 25th, 2022Agriculture is an integral part of Florida’s economy, directly contributing over $10 billion in sales revenues annually and supporting over 133,000 jobs. But farmers face numerous challenges: pests, diseases, labor, rising costs and more. To protect crop yields and the environment, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences is increasingly leveraging powerful […]

Tasks and Duties throughout the Life Cycle of a Worker Honey Bee

Anthony RodriguezAugust 22nd, 2022Have you ever wondered where the saying, “busy like a bee” comes from? Well, it comes from the worker honey bee – known to be the most active bee of their species, Apis millifera, as they are faced with many different tasks and duties throughout their life cycle. Within the species, the worker bee is […]

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