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Florida 4-H Senior Horse Record Book

Wendy T. DeVito, Saundra H. TenBroeck, Shane T. Michael, Megan N. Brew, and Alyssa M. Ohmstede


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Philosophy and Goals of the Florida 4-H Horse Program

The purpose of the 4-H Horse Program is to provide young people an opportunity to participate in a series of activities designed to improve citizenship, sportsmanship, horsemanship, character, competitive spirit, discipline, and responsibility, while creating an atmosphere for learning and awareness of the life around us.

If one takes time to study this statement, the goals and implications are awesome. It is not anticipated that a child would progress at the same rate for all of these objectives; it is expected that, given the proper motivation and good leadership by leaders, parents, and agents, there would be improvements in all areas. Many times, recognition by the 4-H’er that they could improve in these areas is a significant accomplishment.

Most 4-H’ers electing this project will already have a significant interest in, and even a passionate love for, the animal. It is the leaders’ responsibility to utilize this interest to accomplish the project objectives. Though the objectives may be arranged in a different order, you will notice the first objective is not horsemanship. Horsemanship, in the broadest sense, is an important facet of the 4-H horse program, but it should be understood that the horse is only a tool to be used in the development and education of the child. There are over 50 major project areas available in 4-H, and all of them have as objectives to make better citizens of youth, to increase their knowledge in a particular subject matter area, and to inspire them to explore other areas.

Horse shows are not the major objective of this program, and any leader or agent that professes this, either out of actual belief or to persuade someone to join a 4-H club, is in error. In doing this, they would most certainly be setting themselves, and the club, up for disappointment and possible failure. This is not to minimize the importance of horse shows in helping to achieve our goals, but it must be understood we are in the business of education. There are many opportunities to show elsewhere, and it is quite possible there will be many youth in a club who are not interested in showing. They may be interested in one or more of the many forms of trail riding, rodeoing, breeding, and production or other activities involving the use of a horse.

When thinking about the horse program and its objectives, one should certainly realize that participation in horse judging, hippology, quiz bowl, public speaking, and demonstrations is extremely helpful in achieving said goals. Participation in these activities can help a youth improve in many areas, as well as gain a better education.

In summary, there is a need for all aspects of the current 4-H Horse Program, and it is hoped that you as leaders and agents, will encourage participation of your club members in all these areas.

Member Information




Age Division: Senior (14–18)

Age (as of September 1 of the current 4-H year):

Grade in School:

Years in 4-H (including this year):

Years in 4-H Horse Project:

Name of Club:


4-H County Extension Agent:

Project Start Date:

Project End Date:

End of Year Signatures

Member Statement: I have personally kept the records on this project and have completed this record book myself. To the best of my knowledge, the information included in it is correct.

4-H Member Signature:


Parent/Guardian and Leader Statement: I have only helped the member as needed to complete this record book. I am familiar with this work and, to the best of my knowledge, the member completed this record book and the information included in it is correct.

Parent/Guardian Signature:


Leader Signature:


Extension Agent: I confirm that the participant is a current 4-H member in good standing.

Extension Agent Signature:


4-H Horse Record Book

General Instructions

Pages with R in the corner have more “how to” Reference information online here:

  • Read through this record book before you start recording information. This will help you become familiar with the layout of the book and what is expected.
  • Discuss this record book with your parent(s) and your leader(s).
  • Understand what each section is asking for before you begin to record information. Read ALL instructions, and if you have questions, ask for help from other members, your parent(s), leader(s), or county 4-H staff.
  • When you start your project, complete the basic beginning information through page 4 (personal information, project goals, and project planning).
  • Keep your records up to date by recording information as it occurs. Consider setting aside specific times during the project when you will work on your record book. You may want to keep a “draft” version and then copy the information into the final version to submit.
  • If you do not have any information for a section, indicate so by “N/A” (not applicable).
  • If something particular to your situation does not fit into the records as asked, do your best to include it as logically as possible and add notes explaining what you did and why.
  • This is a record of your experiences, so it should reflect your personality. Be creative, make the record book interesting, and add your own personal touch.
  • This record book may be used for one or more animals in your 4-H horse project. A horse does not have to be shown or exhibited to be part of your educational project.
  • Any chart may be copied and attached if more space is needed for what is asked.

If you are planning to show at Area and State 4-H shows, make sure to turn in your county’s Horse Project Certification form by your county’s deadline, but no later than January 1.

Why keep an equine record?

A record book is not meant to be a chore. Instead, it is designed to be a tool to help you learn valuable life skills, such as financial management, record keeping, staying organized, and effective communication. It can also show how hard you have worked, how much you have learned, and what you have done throughout the project. Your record book:

  • Makes you accountable for project goals and achievements.
  • Measures growth and progress.
  • Makes you aware of many facets of horse management and their associated finances.
  • Documents information that can be used for scholarship and award applications.
  • Helps you appreciate the importance of record keeping—not just for financial management, but also for tracking health care routines and emergencies.
  • Gives you a chance to look back on your year and help you decide what you want to change for next year.
  • Provides a way to share your project accomplishments with others.

Goal Setting

The beginning of the 4-H year is a good time to think about what you would like to do with your horse or learn about horses during the year. Identify goals you would like to achieve by participating in this project and an action you will need to take to accomplish those goals. In addition, think of challenges (i.e., problems) or potential limitations that may get in the way of achieving your goals. Goals should be realistic and achievable, but don’t be afraid to push yourself! Use the table below to write your goals, actions, and challenges.






Learn common hoof problems my horse could develop.

Study resources, work with knowledgeable horsemen and farriers, and identify signs of problems in my project animal.

Lack of access to horses with hoof issues may prevent me from being able to see the problems in real situations.














Project Planning

  1. When you first purchased, acquired, or leased your project horse(s), what factors helped you to select your project horse(s) and why (purpose, breed, age, cost, location of animal, etc.)?
  2. Describe the facilities where you keep your horse(s), including paddock/pasture and shelter available. If boarding, include what features helped you select the facility.
  3. List any professional help or expert advice you have available and expect to use (could include vet, farrier, barn manager, trainers, club leader, 4-H agent, etc.).
  4. When you take on responsibility for an animal, it is important to have an idea of the financial commitment you are taking on as well. With that in mind:
    • How much do you expect it to cost to feed your horse(s) (bagged feed, hay, etc.) for the project year?
    • How much do you expect to spend on lessons and/or training during the project year?
    • How much do you expect to spend on health care for the project year (hoof care, preventative and curative vet care, etc.)?

After completing the Goals & Planning pages, show them to your 4-H leader for confirmation by January 1. Your County’s Horse Project Certification form is also due to the county office by your county’s deadline, but no later than January 1.

Leader’s Signature:


Project Horse Information

Identify all project animals used during the project that will be documented in this record book. Copy page if needed.


Horse 1

Horse 2

Horse’s Registered or Show Name



Barn Name















Reg. #













Leg Markings



Head Markings



Vital Signs at Rest







Respiration Rate



Henneke Body Condition Score



Weight (Estimated or Measured)



Special Medical Conditions?






Own or Lease



*Horse Value or Lease Cost

Beginning ($)



Ending ($)



*If you own the horse, “value” is the realistic amount the horse would sell for at the beginning and then at the end of the project.

*If you lease the horse, the beginning cost is the total amount that will be paid for the lease during the length of the project. The ending cost would be zero.

For example, Cost of lease = Lease cost per month ______ × number of months in project ______

= __________ (amount to enter for “Beginning,” and “0” for “Ending”)

(1) Beginning Horse(s) Value, TOTAL $_________ (A) Ending Horse(s) Value, TOTAL $_________


Horse Care & Management

A horse project requires regular care and management. In this section, you may list what you typically do to maintain your project horse(s).

Average daily routine (with horse or at barn)

  • If horse is kept at home, include feeding, care, turn-out, and riding schedule.
  • If boarding or leasing off-site, in addition to outlining riding time, include time spent on health care, grooming, cleaning stalls/barn, etc. that you might also do at the facility.
  • Please be as specific as possible, including time frames and durations (round to the quarter hour).
  • Some of the things that might be included:
    • Feeding and watering practices
    • Grooming (clipping, trimming, hoof care, etc.)
    • Health practices (preventative as well as ongoing medications)
    • General management (cleaning stalls, paddocks, barn, etc.)
    • Riding or exercising (training, conditioning, lunging, trail riding, lesson time, in-hand work, etc.)

Time spent on horse project, but not with horse

  • In a typical month, list time spent on activities that support your horse project that do not involve the horse.
    • This could include tack cleaning and repair, watching educational videos, reading educational books, researching feeds or products, etc.

Average daily routine (typical weekday)


How does that routine change on weekends, holidays, and summers when not in school?



Time spent on horse project, but not with horse (list activity and monthly average of time spent, in hours)


Tack, Equipment, Supplies

Include things needed to handle/ride/train/show your horse. Barn items do not need to be listed (hose, buckets, barn, etc.), but you may include items to care for your horse when traveling. Items may be grouped instead of listing everything separately. For example “Western Showmanship outfit” instead of “showmanship shirt, vest, pants, boots, belt, gloves” listed separately. Also, “grooming equipment” instead of “brush, comb, curry, sweat scraper, hoof picks” listed separately. Add new items as they are purchased.

Beginning Value/Purchase Cost: The value you would have to pay if you purchased each item at the beginning (in its current condition). Also include items purchased during the current 4-H year at their purchase cost.

Ending Value: Because wear and tear occurs on equipment used year to year, items will depreciate. Consider this when putting a dollar value on each asset. If unsure of ending value, 10% is a standard depreciation to use. Many products are bought & used completely during the year. Therefore, they would have a purchase price, but an ending value of $0. If an item is sold, indicate with “(sold),” and list the final value as $0 here, and list it with the sale price in the income section (pg. 16).


Already Owned or New Purchase

Beginning Value or Purchase Cost

Asset Ending Value

Ex: Youth Western Saddle




Ex: 3 bottles of fly spray




Ex: Field boots
























































































If additional space is needed, attach separate page(s).

Asset TOTALS $





(2) Beginning Value

(B) Ending Value

Health Care

Veterinary Services and Health Care Record

Record routine and emergency veterinary or other professional health care actions. Include specific vaccinations, deworming, Coggins test, dentistry, chiropractic work, health certificate exams, X-rays performed, etc. When applicable, include administration method with product (IM injection, oral paste, topical salve, etc.). If you are not directly responsible for these expenses due to leasing or boarding your horse, list the service details, but not the cost (indicate with board or lease).



Condition, Disease, or Injury Being Treated or Prevented

Product or Treatment Given


Ex: 9/25


Fall vaccination (list diseases prevented)

Fluvac EWT, WNV – IM injection

















































(3) Health Care TOTAL $




For injuries, illnesses, or other unexpected problems listed above, describe in more detail what the problem was, what you had to do for ongoing treatment (including for how long), and what the outcome was.



Description of Condition, Disease, or Injury, and How it was Treated


2/4 to 4/12


2×1 inch wound across cannon of left hind. (Describe what vet did, what was administered by vet and by you/barn manager, what was done for care, etc.)

Wound healed w/thin 1 inch scar after 2 months













Because this project record might span less than a whole calendar year, it may not reflect your complete health care program. Explain the details of your horse’s health care routine below.

  • Describe your deworming program (rotation, fecal egg counts, etc.).
  • Describe your horse’s vaccination schedule (which diseases, how often, what time of year, etc.).
Farrier Record

List shoeing, resets, trimming, and any other hoof care. If you are not directly responsible for these expenses due to leasing or boarding your horse, list the hoof care details, but not the cost (indicate with board or lease).



Work Done


Ex: 10/8


Routine trim




































(4) Farrier TOTAL $


Add lines 3 + 4 = TOTAL HEALTH CARE EXPENSES (5) $

Feed and Hay Description

Complete this page to describe the forage (pasture and hay) and concentrate (grain, pellets, sweet feed, etc.) fed to your horse. Work with your parents, barn manager, and/or leader for help with the details if needed.


Pasture Analysis

What is the dominant type of grasses in your pastures?

Where your horse is kept, how many horses graze per acre?

Do you practice rotational grazing?

How many hours will your horses typically be on pasture to graze per day?

Fall: _____________ Winter: _____________ Spring: _____________ Summer:

How is water provided to your horse in the pasture?

Do the horses have shelter in this pasture? ___________ If so, what type:

Who does the majority of the pasture maintenance (mowing, fertilizing, spraying, etc.)

Hay Visual Analysis

Give a visual analysis of a cutting of hay that you are currently feeding your horse by answering the following. You may attach additional copies if you check your hay each season and/or when you change hay types or suppliers.

Date of visual analysis: __________________

Type of hay (Bermuda grass, peanut, orchard, alfalfa, mixed, etc):

Maturity and leafiness (bloom, amount of seedhead shown, and stems vs. leaves):


Color (describe a shade of greens, yellows, or browns):

Odor and condition (describe the smell, dust-free, moisture, temperature):

Foreign materials (other plants and weeds—note what is found):


You may attach additional copies if you change or add feeds during the year.

Product name:

Feed format: □ pelleted □ textured (sweet feed) □ whole grain

Purpose: For what equine production level is this feed designed? (maintenance, growth, performance, etc.)

Guaranteed analysis: What is the percentage of:

crude protein

crude fiber

crude fat

Feeding instructions: What are the feed label’s recommended feeding instructions for your project horse?

Calculate Monthly Cost of Feeds

Use this as a worksheet to calculate the monthly cost for concentrate feed (i.e., pellets, sweet feed, grains like corn, oats, etc.), hay, and supplements. This approach is especially helpful if other horses are sharing the feed supply with your project horse(s). Carry the monthly Concentrate and Hay costs forward to the following page to calculate the annual cost of feeding your horse(s). These amounts could vary with grazing seasons, equine nutritional needs (workload, condition, etc.), and/or hay or concentrate feed changes. Therefore, use copies of this worksheet to recalculate totals as changes occur and for additional horses. Even if feed is included in your board, you should still complete this exercise to understand how your horse is fed and the associated costs.

Concentrate (pellets, sweet feed, corn, oats, etc.)

Cost of a bag of feed: $ ___________÷ ___________lb in the bag = $ ___________per lb

Amount fed: ___________lb per day × ___________$ cost/lb (calculated above) = ___________$/day

Monthly cost of grain: $ __________(Cost / day of grain) × 28(29), 30, 31 (days in month)=cost/February, cost/30 days, cost/31 days


Cost of a bale of hay: $ ___________÷ ___________lb per bale = $ ___________per lb

Amount fed: ___________lb per day × ___________$ cost/lb (calculated above) = ___________$/day

Monthly cost of hay: $ __________(Cost / day of hay) × 28(29), 30, 31 (days in month)=cost/February, cost/30 days, cost/31 days

You will be asked to list supplements by their purchase cost in an upcoming table, but completing this portion of the worksheet will help you get an idea of the daily and monthly cost of those supplements. Please note that the monthly totals you calculate here are for your own information and are not carried into the upcoming tables. Copy for additional supplements.

Supplement (if applicable)

Cost per container of supplement: $ ___________÷ ___________oz in container = $ ___________per oz

Amount fed: ___________oz per day × ___________$ cost/oz (calculated above) = ___________$/day

Monthly cost of suppl.: $__________(Cost / day of suppl.) × 28(29), 30, 31 (days in month)=cost/February, cost/30 days, cost/31 days

Feeding-Related Expenses

List consumption/cost for each project horse (copy and attach for each additional horse). If expenses are included in board or lease, list amounts but not costs (indicate with board or lease). *Calculate monthly costs on previous page.


Concentrate Record

Hay Record




Pounds per Day

Monthly Cost*



Pounds per Day

Monthly Cost*









































































































































































































































































(6) Concentrate Cost TOTAL



(7) Hay Cost TOTAL




For each supplement routinely fed, give the name and why it is given to the horse (what is the purpose/need for it) and the purchase price. If these expenses are included in boarding or leasing fee, list amounts but not costs (indicate with board or lease).


Name and Purpose

Purchase Price


Bio-Hoof [give explanation of why needed and what it does]












(8) Supplement TOTAL $





Maintaining a pasture requires fertilizer, lime, seed, mowing (labor and fuel), repairing fences, etc. Estimate the cost of providing pasture for your horse(s). Divide the cost by the number of horses using the pasture to determine the cost per horse. If boarding, ask the farm manager to help you list their management practices, but indicate that the cost is included with board. (Items listed may be just bills paid, products purchased, etc.—no need to estimate original establishment costs or value of own maintenance time.)


Pasture Maintenance Procedure/Repair, etc.


Ex: March

Nitrogen Fertilizer















(9) Pasture Maintenance TOTAL $


Add lines 6 through 9 = TOTAL FEED-RELATED EXPENSES (10) $

Boarding and Stabling


Document boarding expenses for each month and describe what level of care is given. If costs in previous tables were not listed because of being included with board, note here that those details are included. Skip if not boarding.


Facility Name

Description of Care or Maintenance



















































(11) Boarding TOTAL $




Stall Bedding Summary

Record purchase of bedding used for your project horse(s) and how the soiled bedding was disposed. If bedding expenses are included in boarding fee, list the bedding details, but not the cost (indicate w/board).

Purchase Date

Material Type


Disposal Method


































(12) Bedding TOTAL $



Add lines 11 + 12 = TOTAL BOARDING & STABLING EXPENSES (13) $

Training and Event Expenses

Training or Lesson Services

List costs associated with taking lessons, working with a trainer, and/or sending your horse to a trainer. If services are included in boarding or leasing fee, list the service details, but not the cost (indicate with board or lease).


Description of Service


























(14) Training TOTAL $




Event Expenses

List any shows, clinics, formal trail rides, etc. which had costs associated with traveling to and/or attending.



Travel Costs

Food, Lodging

Show Fees

Trainer Fees

Total Cost














































































(15) Event TOTAL $



Add lines 14 + 15 = TOTAL TRAINING & EVENT EXPENSES (16) $


Income Summary

Income Earned for Services Rendered

Include any income received from employment (either in payment or trade value), lessons given, braiding, etc.

Date or Month(s)

Service Description

Amount Earned

Ex: June–August

Part time summer job at stables, 10 hrs/wk, trade for boarding rebate

$280/month × 3 mo.= $840























(C) Services Income TOTAL $




Income Received from Awards or Items Sold

Include the premium dollars won at shows, scholarship dollars earned, income from the sale of animals, tack sold, and any other income related to this project. If you won a tangible item that you use for this project (e.g., bridle bag), list it with an estimated value.

Date or Month(s)

Sale Item or Award Description

Amount Received

Ex: 3/12

Garage Sale—used tack





















(D) Sales/Awards Income TOTAL $



Year-End Financial Summary

Many youth select 4-H Horse Projects as a hobby or for fun, as opposed to as a business seeking profit. All projects will incur expenses, while only some will have significant income. Do not worry if your project did not make money! Your Horse Project is about learning and having fun. It is more important to keep true, accurate records than to exaggerate ending values to make it appear as though there was a profit.


Value of horse(s) at end of project year (A)


Ending value of all tack, equipment and supplies (B)


Total services, sales, and award income (E)


Total Income






Value of horse(s) at start of project year, or lease cost (1)


Beginning value of all tack, equipment and supplies (2)


Total cost of health-related expenses (5)


Total cost of feeding-related expenses (10)


Total cost of boarding or stabling expenses (13)


Total cost of training and event expenses (16)


Total Expenses




Total Income – Total Expenses = Net Profit or Loss


If you earned more money than you spent, then your project made a profit. If you spent more than you earned, then your project experienced a loss. To find out if you made a profit or experienced a loss, you subtract your total expenses from your total income. If the result is positive, then there was a profit. If negative, then there was a loss.


  1. Explain how your actual feed, health, and training expenses compared to what you estimated at the beginning of the project? (See page 4, #4)
  2. If you have done this project for two or more years, how has your ability to estimate expenses changed?

Show/Event Experience & Progress

For each show, clinic, Horsemanship School, organized trail ride, or similar type of mounted horse event attended, describe things that you and/or your horse did better than at a previous event. This could be during the actual competition or anything related to it (packing, travel, barn work, warm-ups, handling nerves, sportsmanship, etc.). Then identify what you still want to do better next time. Significant Accomplishments could include notable placings, high points, next level qualifications, how you helped, etc. (Copy as many pages as needed.)


Event Name

How Improved

Needs Improving

Significant Accomplishments




















































4-H Horse Activity Participation

Check off your participation level (if any) in State 4-H Horse Program events. Then list your additional nonmounted competitive, noncompetitive, and community service events related to the Horse project and the level of involvement. Significant Accomplishments could include notable placing, next level qualifications, leadership role, organizational assistance, etc. If not enough space for accomplishments at multiple levels, use any empty lines as needed.

Event/Show Name







Significant Accomplishments

Horse Demonstration/Illustrated Talk








Horse Public Speaking








4-H Horse Judging School








4-H Horse Judging








4-H Hippology








4-H Horse Quiz Bowl
























































































































Project Photographs

Use photos that show you actively engaged in care/management, schooling/showing, or other learning experiences. Include captions which describe what you are doing or trying to show the viewer. Be as creative as you would like with how they are presented. Attach at least two pages, but no more than four pages. (Quantity of photos will not be given more credit than quality.)

Project Story

Tell the story of your project in a narrative format. In the spirit of “Learn by Doing,” share what you’ve learned by doing this project. The story should personalize, expand, and fill in the gaps of the project record section, not merely repeat what has been already documented.

The story should include at least the following:

  • In regard to your goals set at the beginning of the project, describe your progress and achievements towards those objectives. Were they reached? How did you accomplish them? If you were to do it again, what would you do differently (if anything)?
  • Describe what you have learned and new skills you have gained this year in 4-H. Include how the professionals and experts you listed as available contributed to this growth (if applicable). Did you learn from other unexpected sources?
  • How did you help or teach others?
  • Relate how your 4-H experience and the life skills you have learned in 4-H will benefit you outside of 4-H (school, home, family, friends, etc.).

Other examples that you may consider writing about include:

  • Yourself! Tell about your family members, other animals, hobbies, why you joined 4-H and participated in the Horse project.
  • Unforgettable experiences such as something that happened that was funny, sad, scary, exciting, etc.
  • Activities that you had the most fun participating in and activities that you liked doing the least.
  • How you have changed and grown as a result of your project work.
  • What your biggest challenges were, and how you overcame them (or how you plan to continue to work through them).
  • Your journey with your horse; what working with horses has done for you as an individual.

The Project Story should be 3 pages and may be typed or handwritten and then attached. If typed, it should be in 12-point font and double-spaced.


Points Possible


Judging Criteria

Points Earned


Cover/Member Info Pages

All information filled in completely and all signatures present (including Project Planning leader signature by Jan. 1).




SMART goals specifically related to Horse Project are challenging but not unattainable. Action plans and challenges well thought out.



Project Planning

Questions answered sufficiently and descriptively. Knowledgeable resources have been identified who will enhance learning experience. Expense projections reflect true thought into expectations.



Project Horse Information

Information filled in completely. Horse value or Lease cost completed correctly. Totals are accurate.



Horse Management

Daily routine reflects the youth’s time with the horse. Realistic description of project time without the horse.



Tack, Equipment, Supplies

All items listed have a beginning and ending value. Ending value of $0 are consumed or sold. Closing value reflects reasonable depreciation where applicable. Totals are accurate.



Health Record

Vaccinations and deworming treatments documented completely. Health events (injuries or illnesses) and corresponding treatments documented. Realistic vaccination and deworming programs are described. Farrier services documented completely and accurately. Totals are accurate.



Feeding Record

Feed/Hay questions answered. All monthly cost calculations are complete with correct math. Concentrates, hay, supplements, and pasture maintenance documented completely and accurately. Boarding and bedding details described fully, if applicable. Totals are accurate.



Training/Event Expenses

Event list is exhaustive. All information filled in completely or documented as N/A. Totals are accurate



Income Summary

All information filled in completely or documented as N/A. If applicable, payment details are clear. Totals are accurate.



Financial Summary

Subtotals from previous sections carried over correctly. Question responses show reflection and knowledge gained.



Events /Activities

Event lists are exhaustive. Filled in completely with thought given to improvements. Participation in other horse related activities include accomplishments.




Captions identify pictures; good horsemanship is shown. Pictures show member actively engaged in project activities throughout the program year.



Project Story

Four required elements are included. Additional topics help paint the picture of the member’s project experiences, and/or include further explanation for anything that was not clear in the records. Written as a narrative and is appropriate length. Grammar, spelling, and sentence structure are correct.



Overall Presentation

Project book is neat and clean. Details that may not be addressed in tables explained somehow.



= Points Possible