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A Beginner's Guide to Water Management—Oxygen and Temperature


In the aquatic environment, oxygen and temperature are so closely linked that it's nearly impossible to discuss one without the other. That's why we've presented the information together under one cover:

  • Part 1 describes how oxygen enters water and how it is measured;
  • Part 2 delves into the physical properties of water (e.g., forms of water, density of water, etc.) and the influence that temperature has on these characteristics;
  • Part 3 ties it all together with information on how oxygen and temperature affect plants and animals within freshwater habitats;
  • Part 4 provides technical information about methods used to obtain oxygen and temperature measurements in water.

Note: While many of the concepts described in this publication are similar for the saltwater environment, this circular is limited to discussion about freshwater systems. 28 pages.

Keywords: air temperature, algae, altitude, aquatic plants, bacterial community, biological productivity, blue tilapia, calorie, chemical analysis, cold monomictic, cold-water fish, correction factor, diel oxygen curve, diffusion, dimictic, dissolved organic matter, dissolved oxygen, DO, electronic DO meter, epilimnion, eutrophic, fish kills, forms of water, growth rater, heat of evaporation, heat of fusion, heat, humidity, hypereutrophic, hypolimnion, ice, lake turnover, largemouth bass, liquid, mesotrophic, metabolic rate, metalimnion, thermocline, monitoring, monomictic, oligotrophic, oxygen saturation, oxygen, particulate organic matter, percent oxygen saturation, phase change, photosynthesis, polymictic, reproduction, respiration, saltwater stratification, specific heat, supersaturated, temperature, thermal stratification, thermal, warm monomictic, warm-water fish, water density, water temperature

Note: Circular 109 is available in Portable Document Format (PDF) only. It can be obtained as a single PDF file by clicking on the "Printer Friendly Version" link above (file size = 2 MB).

Photos used with permission as credited.