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A Beginner's Guide to Water Management—Fish Communities and Trophic State in Florida Lakes



All Florida residents and visitors stand to benefit from a greater understanding of the fish populations in lakes of different trophic state (productivity) in Florida. The relationships between fish populations and trophic state, discussed in this circular, are based on a study of many Florida lakes of varying trophic state rather than on an individual lake undergoing eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) over time. This approach was taken because there are virtually no long-term studies of fish populations in Florida lakes undergoing eutrophication.

Note: Circular 110 is available in Portable Document Format (pdf) only. It can be obtained as a single PDF file by clicking on the "Printer Friendly Version" link below.

Publication #CIR 110

Release Date:November 17, 2020

Reviewed At:October 25, 2022

  • Critical Issue: 3. Natural Resources and Environmental Quality
Fact Sheet

About this Publication

This document, CIR 110, is the tenth of a series of information circulars dedicated to familiarizing citizens with the language and techniques used by those involved in water management within the state of Florida. First printed in April 2007. Published in EDIS December 2009. Reviewed by Mark Hoyer June 2020. Printed copies are available through UF/IFAS Extension and/or from the LAKEWATCH program itself. However, they may also be downloaded by visiting the EDIS website at or the Florida LAKEWATCH website at

About the Authors

Florida LAKEWATCH is a research/Extension program coordinated within the UF/IFAS Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, School of Forest Resources and Conservation. LAKEWATCH facilitates public involvement in the management of Florida waters by training citizen volunteers to collect monthly water samples, algae samples, and water clarity information from a lake or waterbody of their choice.Over time, these data are used to document nutrient levels and to predict biological productivity. For more information about the monitoring program or to obtain LAKEWATCH data, call 1-800-LAKEWATCH (1-800-525-3928) or search the website at Photos used with permission as credited.


  • Mark Hoyer