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What is biting you?

E. E. Harlow, C. A. McNeill, R. W. Baldwin, R. M. Pereira, P. G. Koehler, and J. C. Medley

Why are you itchy? Identify the problem pest with this handy poster. Click the orange download button to print or view the entire publication. The poster is also available in Spanish: ¿Qué te está picando?

Figure 1. Click to enlarge thumbnail. For full size, view pdf.
Figure 1.  Click to enlarge thumbnail. For full size, view pdf.

Also Available in: Español

Publication #ENY-2015

Release Date:November 6, 2020

Reviewed At:June 11, 2024

Related Experts

Harlow, Erin E.

County agent

University of Florida

Baldwin, Rebecca W


University of Florida

Pereira, Roberto M.


University of Florida

Koehler, Philip G


University of Florida

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About this Publication

This document is ENY-2015, one of a series of the Entomology and Nematology Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date April 2011. Visit the EDIS website at for the currently supported version of this publication.

About the Authors

E. E. Harlow, commercial horticulture Extension agent; Dr. C. A. McNeill, professor, Union College, Lincoln, Nebraska; Dr. R. W. Baldwin, associate professor; R. M. Pereira, research scientist; Dr. P. G. Koehler, professor emeritus ; and J. C. Medley, senior art/publication production specialist (retired)


  • Rebecca Baldwin