The purpose of this document is to provide a form containing the required elements to log into a record of pesticide application that meets the restricted use pesticide and Worker Protection Standard (WPS) requirements. An example application record and an explanation of the required elements is provided (Table 3). This form is not required because other methods to keep records, such as handwritten notes, electronic records, and other recordkeeping software systems, are also acceptable if they contain the required information.
What are the recordkeeping requirements for restricted use pesticides? The 1990 Farm Bill requires private certified pesticide applicators to keep records of all applications of federally restricted use pesticides. These records must be kept for 2 years. However, you may want to keep them longer for reference in making future pest management decisions. Although applicators have 14 days to record information for restricted use applications (not associated with WPS), it is a good idea to fill out the recordkeeping form as soon as possible after application to be sure that you have an accurate and detailed record. If you hire a commercial applicator to apply a restricted use pesticide, you should obtain the necessary recordkeeping information from him/her. Commercial applicators are required to provide their clients with a copy of this record within 30 days of application. Application information is also required for fields receiving spot treatments. More details may be found here:
What are the recordkeeping requirements for the WPS? The WPS is a federal regulation intended to reduce the risk of pesticide poisoning and injury among agricultural workers. Private applicators who hire pesticide handlers and/or workers must display application information and the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each applied product in a centrally located area accessible to all employees within 24 hours of the pesticide application and before workers enter that area. Both must be displayed for 30 days after the restricted entry interval (REI) expires. This display of information applies to all pesticides with the "Agricultural Use Requirements" box printed on the label, not just restricted use pesticides. Once records are removed from the central posting area, they must be kept, along with the SDS, for 2 years from the end of the REI. More information on the WPS is available through EDIS at
What are the required elements that must be entered into an application record and are there differences according to these two regulations? There are some common elements, but several slight differences between the regulations do exist. They are summarized in Table 1.
Can I see an example of a complete record showing both the restricted use pesticide and WPS elements listed correctly? An example is summarized in Table 2 and followed with a brief summary explanation of each element. The information in columns marked with (W) pertain to WPS records and those with an (R) for restricted use pesticides. (RW) signifies that elements are necessary to meet both requirements. Brief explanations of each element are listed following the example record.
What is meant by a "spot treatment" and how should it be recorded? Spot treatments are applications made to less than 1/10 of an acre, such as herbicide treatment along a fencerow. If a spot treatment, record the location of treated site (for example, Johnsongrass along fencerow of Hatchett Creek Field #3), indicate "spot treatment," and record:
- EPA registration number
- Month, day, year
- Total amount applied
- Brand name
Additional Information
Aerts, M, O.M Nesheim, and F.M. Fishel. 1998. Pesticide Recordkeeping. PI-20. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Fishel, F.M., and T. Sanchez. 2006. Worker Protection Standard: Information at a Central Location. PI-112. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.
Necessary elements for a record according to the restricted use pesticide and WPS recordkeeping requirements.
Sample pesticide record meeting requirements for both restricted use pesticides and the WPS.