Fishel, Frederick M
professor (retired), UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, and former director, UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office, Gainesville, FL, 32611.
- 2024–2025 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Useful Telephone Numbers
- 2024–2025 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Interpreting PPE Statements on Pesticide Labels
- 2024–2025 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Quick Reference Guide to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)
- Guía de gestión de plagas para cítricos en la Florida 2016: Interpretación de los enunciados de PPE en las etiquetas de pesticidas
- Pesticide Safety
- Pesticide Provisions of the Florida Agricultural Worker Safety Act (FAWSA)
- Minimizing Honey Bee Exposure to Pesticides
- Pesticide Container Rinsing
- Toxicity of Pesticides
- Proper Disposal of Pesticide Waste
- Pesticide Recordkeeping
- Boom Sprayer Nozzle Performance Test
- Broadcast Boom Sprayer Calibration
- Homeowner's Guide to Pesticide Safety
- Pesticide and Container Disposal for Homeowners
- Personal Protective Equipment for Handling Pesticides
- Secure Pesticide Storage: General Features
- The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Continuing Education Unit (CEU) System for Certified Pesticide Applicators
- Pesticide Provisions of the Florida Agricultural Worker Safety Act (FAWSA)
- What Are Inert Ingredients?
- Operation Cleansweep for Pesticides
- Licensing of Pesticide Dealers in Florida
- Florida's Pesticidal Substances Exempt from the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA-Section 25(b))
- Experimental-Use Permits
- Requirements of Aerial Applicators in Florida
- Respirators for Pesticide Applications
- Protecting Your Pet from Pesticides
- Fungicide Resistance Action Committee's (FRAC) Classification Scheme of Fungicides According to Mode of Action
- Special Local Needs Pesticide Registrations—24(c)
- Pesticide Labeling: Physical or Chemical Hazards
- Pesticide Labeling: First Aid Statements
- Pesticide Labeling: Environmental Hazards Statements
- Pesticide Labeling: Signal Words
- Defoliants and Desiccants
- Why do we use pesticides?
- Pesticide Labeling: Directions for Use
- Pesticide Labeling: Labeling Claims
- Pesticide Labeling: Storage and Disposal
- Pesticide Labeling: Identification Numbers
- Pesticide Labeling: Miscellaneous Label Parts
- Pesticide Labeling: Unique Product Labeling
- Pesticide Labeling: Ingredient Statements
- Pesticide Toxicity Profile: Triazine Pesticides
- Storage Limitation Statements: Temperature—Fungicides
- Storage Limitation Statements: Temperature—Herbicides
- Federal Regulations Affecting Use of Pesticides
- Emergency Exemption Pesticide Registrations
- Herbicides: How toxic are they?
- Pesticide Interactions
- Water pH and the Effectiveness of Pesticides
- Surviving the FDACS Inspection: Walking through an Inspection
- Pesticide Spill Kits
- Transporting Pesticides and Understanding the Rules of the Road: Farmers, Ranchers, and Production Agricultural Operations
- Transporting Pesticides and Understanding the Rules of the Road: Pest Control Businesses
- Pesticide Characteristics
- EPA Approval of Pesticide Labeling
- Handling Total Release Foggers
- Pesticides and Cholinesterase
- Pesticide Fires
- Spray Gun Calibration
- Pesticide Formulations
- Managing Pesticide Drift
- Applying Pesticides in Compliance with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
- Refillable Containers and Secondary Containment Requirements for Agricultural Pesticides in Florida
- Pesticidas y Colinesterasa
- Equipo de Protección Personal para la Manipulación de Pesticidas
- Guía de seguridad para el uso de pesticidas en el hogar
- Water Quality and the Effectiveness of Pesticides
- The Importance of Keeping Pesticide Records
- Clasificación de las licencias para aplicadores dictadas por el Departamento de Agricultura y Servicios al Consumidor del estado de la Florida (FDACS), relacionadas con agricultura y control de plagas
- Exposición de familias agricultoras al glifosato
- Mejorando la efectividad de un programa profesional para el manejo de plagas
- Pesticide Storage: Keep It in the Container
- First Aid for Pesticide Exposure
- Pesticide Emergencies: Contingency Planning
- Pesticide Emergencies: Fires and Spills
- Pest Strips—You Have to Read the Fine Print
- Worker Protection Standard: Owner and Immediate Family Exemption
- Pesticide Labeling: Protection of Pollinators
- Pesticide Injection and Drenching
- Wood Preservatives
- Pesticide Recordkeeping Form for Florida Applicators
- Avicides
- Rodenticides
- Tank-Mixing Pesticides without Disasters
- Florida's Organo-Auxin Herbicide Rule—2021
External - Retired