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Aleyrodidae (whiteflies)

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Guava Pest and Disease: Spiraling whitefly

Amir RezazadehSeptember 11th, 2023Distribution and status Whitefly is a polyphagous pest that causes damage to ornamental trees, fruit trees, shade trees, and vegetables. The islands of the Caribbean and Central America are its original home. Due to its quick spread and adaptability, it can now be found in nearly every country. Host range It can be found on […]

Whitefly, and Other June Pests in Jacksonville Gardens

Duval MGVJune 20th, 2022As we round into June, the pest season heats up. Insects, being cold blooded, respond to the warming temperatures by growing rapidly through their life cycles. Whiteflies are a good example of this. These small pests take about 24 days to go through their immature stages and can live (and reproduce) for 30-40 days. During […]

Study: White clay spray mix repels major crop pest

Kirsten Romaguera RabinJanuary 25th, 2022QUINCY, Fla. — Tomatoes are big business in Florida, the nation’s top producer of the popular fruit, but an insect no bigger than a grain of rice threatens growers’ fields each season. The whitefly prefers the underside of leaves, enjoying a variety of plants and spreading a few diseases, including Tomato yellow leaf curl virus. […]

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