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Family Resources

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Cottage Foods

In 2011, the Florida Legislature enacted HB 7209 (now Section 500.80, Florida Statutes) ( allowing individuals to manufacture, sell, and store certain types of cottage foods in an unlicensed kitchen.

Food Security

Access by all people, at all times to sufficient food for an active and healthy life. Food security includes at a minimum: the ready availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, and an assured ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.

Life Skills Development

Personal and social skills needed by everyone in daily living. [NALT]

[life skills development: AGROVOC]

UF/IFAS Extension Initiative 5: Empowering Individuals and Families

Well-functioning families are the foundation of healthy communities. These families protect and nurture their members while teaching their children how to become thriving and contributing members of society. Families vary in structure, age, income, and other characteristics. Strong families foster the health, well-being, and financial security of all Florida communities.
