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Native Species

Species that are native or naturally belonging to a particular geographic area or environment. Note: In the context of Ask IFAS, "native" is typical understood to mean "native to Florida".  

South Florida

Topics of interest to South Florida.


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Smart Water-Saving Tips

Julio PerezJune 20th, 2024Recent below-average rainfall, as reported by, underscores the importance of smart water-saving practices. While we’re not in drought conditions yet, responsible management of freshwater resources is crucial. Florida-Friendly Landscaping offers guidance on creating beautiful landscapes that conserve water. Key practices include selecting plants suited to their environment and grouping them by water needs. Implementing […]

Red Tide, Fisheries Modeling and Citizen Science: Casting a Line to Anglers and Gulf of Mexico Stakeholders for Better Data!

Michael SiposJune 19th, 2024In fisheries management, setting the acceptable biological catch (ABC) is vital to ensure sustainable harvest without overexploiting fish stocks. The ABC determines how much fish can be harvested each year, and is estimated using a stock assessment model that brings together multiple data sources to estimate fish abundance and productivity.  However, in the Gulf of […]

How to Maintain Atala Butterflies in Your Garden Year-Round, Fourth Blog

Vilma ValdesJune 17th, 2024In-A-Pinch Preventative Measures Transfer and Retransfer: A great help to the coonties during the Atalas’ peak munching period is to transfer the bigger caterpillars from the newer growth to older leaves or to a bigger plant that is better able to withstand the chewing. The caterpillars go through several instar phases before pupating and can […]

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