Habitat Conservation
The preservation, maintenance, protection, restoration and enhancement of habitats for wild species.
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Weekly “What is it?”: Cascades Park
carriestevensonJuly 11th, 2024In the early 1800’s, the Spanish divided us into East and West Florida. St. Augustine was the capital of East Florida, while Pensacola was the capital of West Florida. The peninsula was Seminole territory, and very few European settlers ventured south. When the United States acquired the Florida territory, they retained the dual capitals, with […]
Weekly “What is it?”: Community Health and Resource Management (CHARM) Tool
carriestevensonJune 26th, 2024One aspect I really love about my work with Extension is the incredible network of creative, helpful, and extraordinarily knowledgeable people it gives me quick access to. In 2010, I had no idea how to respond when an oil spill was approaching local beaches. So, I dialed up a natural resource agent with University of […]
Weekly “What is it?”: Lion’s Mane
carriestevensonMay 23rd, 2024My husband’s best friend was a nature nerd like me. If I didn’t know what something was, Anthony was the first person I’d send a photo to for identification help. We lost him unexpectedly last year, but he shows up in small ways for us almost daily. After that round of storms blew through the […]
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