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Tiny eight-legged animals that live off plants, animals or stored food.

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Florida Farm Pests: Spider Mites

Luis Rodriguez RosadoSeptember 10th, 2024Many arthropods are considered to be pests and can cause negative impacts on agricultural and nursery plants. The majority of these arthropods are insects. On the other hand, not all arthropod pests are insects and some of them may be confused for insects, such as the case of spider mites.   What Are Spider Mites […]

Plagas de las Fincas de Florida: Ácaros (“Spider Mites”)

Luis Rodriguez RosadoSeptember 10th, 2024Muchos artrópodos se consideran plagas y pueden causar impactos negativos en los cultivos y a las plantas ornamentales. La mayoría de estos artrópodos son insectos. Sin embargo, no todas las plagas pertenecen al grupo de los insectos y algunas de ellas pueden confundirse con los este grupo, como es el caso de los ácaros.   […]

Unlocking the secrets of mites: Agricultural acarology workshop aims to increase expertise in this emerging science

Lourdes MederosMarch 25th, 2024Mites are arachnids that are found in almost every environment with more than 55,000 described species worldwide. Some mites are classified as pests, while others are beneficial. Those who study mites are known as acarologists. Fewer than 100 scientists in the United States specialize in mites of agricultural importance. “This is a problem. Mites are […]

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