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August 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector

Morgan PinkertonAugust 5th, 2024Recap of August 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector In August, we focused on invasive pests of ornamental plants. While we covered a lot during our Final Friday webinar, we barely scratched the surface of invasive species as it relates to ornamental plants. Florida has an estimated number of more than 1,500 types of […]

April 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector

Morgan PinkertonApril 8th, 2024Recap of April 2024 First Friday with Florida First Detector In April, we took a closer look at the pest group thrips (Order: Thysanoptera). While there are over 7,000 species of thrips around the world, only a handful of them are pests on plants. Most thrips feed on fungi or decaying matter like leaf litter. […]

Scientists warn of invasive plant pest; say early detection, reporting key

Tory MooreMarch 29th, 2023An invasive thrips species has started to wreak havoc in Florida. The insect was first detected in Florida in 2020 but has since spread significantly across the state. What once was isolated to greenhouses now has begun to harm a wide range of plants including those in residential landscapes. The insect, Thrips parvispinus — commonly […]