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Youth Development


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Bikes Can Build Relationships

ambernorrisJune 27th, 2024Grab your helmet and let’s go for a bike ride.  Summertime is an opportunity to get out and get a little exercise.  Riding bikes is a fantastic way to spend time and build relationships with family and friends. Biking can activate the feeling of happiness.  Wearing a properly fitting helmet is a state law […]

Growing Creativity at the 4-H County Fair

Gus KoernerJune 20th, 2024The 4-H county fair is more than just a yearly event—it’s a lively place where kids show off their skills and ideas. It’s a big part of what 4-H is all about: teaching life skills and inspiring young people to try new things. Trying New Things At the fair, kids get to try out different […]

July 2024 Class List

Morgan RothJune 14th, 2024Join us at the UF/IFAS Brevard Extension office for some fun learning experiences! Make sure to follow us on Eventbrite to be notified by email whenever we post a new class: Want this sent to your email? Subscribe to our monthly newsletter: 4-H Summer Camps for July *You do not need to be […]