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May 21: Discover the sweet secrets of Florida-grown mangos at UF/IFAS online, expert-led workshop

Lourdes MederosMay 16th, 2024What makes Florida-grown mangos a commodity that growers and enthusiasts alike adore? Find out May 21 at a free online Mango Growers Workshop. Whether you grow, pick, pack, sell or simply enjoy mangos, scientists at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) invite you to participate in the workshop, which will […]

La temporada de mango del 2024 está tomando forma: los expertos de UF/IFAS ofrecen sus observaciones

Luz BahderMay 2nd, 2024Creado por Lourdes Mederos, gerente de relaciones públicas en español para el Departamento de Comunicaciones de UF/IFAS. ¡La temporada de mangos ya está aquí!. Los árboles de mango en patios residenciales y sembradíos en el sur de Florida están en su etapa de fructificación, marcando el momento ideal cuando las pequeñas flores han comenzado a […]

Mango season 2024 is taking shape: UF/IFAS experts offer their views

Lourdes MederosMay 2nd, 2024Mango season is here. Mango trees on home landscapes and orchards in South Florida are working their way through the fruiting stage, making it prime time as the tiny flowers have begun to reveal tiny fruit. The 2023 mango season erupted with an abundance of fruit last year. Will that be the case for 2024? […]