Campos Krauer, Juan M.
assistant professor, Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences, UF College of Veterinary Medicine and research and Extension veterinarian, UF/IFAS Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, Gainesville, FL
- A Walk on the Wild Side: 2024 Cool-Season Forage Recommendations for Wildlife Food Plots in North Florida
- Peces ornamentales de agua dulce comúnmente cultivados en Florida
- Introducción al manejo de la salud de los peces
- Lumpy Jaw in White-Tailed Deer
- Facts about Wildlife Diseases: Gastrointestinal Parasites of Farmed White-tailed Deer in Florida
- El Azulejo de Garganta Canela
- Invasor de Florida: El Lagarto Overo
- Facts about Wildlife Diseases: Things You Should Know about Mule Deerpox Virus in Farmed White-Tailed Deer in Florida
- Facts about Wildlife Diseases: Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Serotype 2 (RHDV2)
- Livestock Vaccines: Principles, Types, and Important Factors to Consider
- Facts about Wildlife Diseases: Capture Myopathy in Farmed White-Tailed Deer
- Facts about Wildlife Diseases: Antler Infections and Cranial Abscess Disease in White-Tailed Deer