Fasulo, Thomas R.
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retired scientist, UF/IFAS Department of Entomology and Nematology, Gainesville, FL 32611.VIVO profile
Thomas R. Fasulo and H. A. Denmark
The Featured Creatures collection provides in-depth profiles of insects, nematodes, arachnids, and other organisms relevant to Florida. These profiles are intended for the use of interested laypersons with some knowledge of biology as well as academic audiences.
T. R. Fasulo and H. V. Weems
The Featured Creatures collection provides in-depth profiles of insects, nematodes, arachnids and other organisms relevant to Florida. These profiles are intended for the use of interested laypersons with some knowledge of biology as well as academic audiences.
H. V. Weems, Jr., J. B. Heppner, T. R. Fasulo and J. L. Nation
A UF/IFAS numbered Organism ID. in support of UF/IFAS Extension program: Integrated Pest Management
H. V. Weems, Jr. and T. R. Fasulo
Ru Nguyen, Avas Hamon, and Thomas R. Fasulo
G. W. Dekle and T. R. Fasulo
H. A. Denmark and T. R. Fasulo
M. C. Thomas, J. B. Heppner, R. E. Woodruff, H. V. Weems, G. J. Steck, and T. R. Fasulo
H. V. Weems Jr. and T. R. Fasulo
Howard W. Weems Jr. and Thomas R. Fasulo
Juan A. Villanueva-Jimenez and Thomas R. Fasulo
Ru Nguyen and T. R. Fasulo
Richard L. Jacques Jr. and Thomas R. Fasulo
J. C. Nickerson, D. L. Harris, and T. R. Fasulo
F. W. Mead and T. R. Fasulo
Thomas R. Fasulo and Marle A. Knox
H. A. Denmark, W. C. Welbourn, and T. R. Fasulo
Rebecca Baldwin and Thomas R. Fasulo
Robert E. Woodruff and Thomas R. Fasulo
Thomas R. Fasulo
Michael C. Thomas, Wayne N. Dixon, and Thomas R. Fasulo
Wayne N. Dixon and T. R. Fasulo
H. V. Weems and T. R. Fasulo
H. A. Denmark and Thomas R. Fasulo
E. E. Grissell and Thomas R. Fasulo
H. V. Weems, Jr, J. B. Heppner, G. J. Steck, T. R. Fasulo and J. L. Nation
H. V. Weems Jr., J. B. Heppner, and T. R. Fasulo
A UF/IFAS numbered Organism ID. In support of UF/IFAS Extension program: Integrated Pest Management
Richard B. Selander and Thomas R. Fasulo
Ru Nguyen, Avas B. Hamon, and Thomas R. Fasulo
H. V. Weems, Jr., J. B. Heppner, G. J. Steck, and T. R. Fasulo
Avas B. Hamon and Thomas R. Fasulo
G. B. Fairchild, H. V. Weems, Jr. and T. R. Fasulo
Joel Neylon, Lionel Stange, T. R. Fasulo, and Rachel Mallinger
A UF/IFAS numbered publication. in support of UF/IFAS Extension program: Integrated Pest Management
H. A. Denmark, F. W. Mead, and T. R. Fasulo
The lovebug, Plecia nearctica Hardy, is a bibionid fly species that motorists may encounter as a serious nuisance when traveling in southern states. It was first described by Hardy (1940) from Galveston, Texas. At that time he reported it to be widely spread, but more common in Texas and Louisiana than other Gulf Coast states.
J. B. Heppner and Thomas R. Fasulo
D. H. Habeck, F. W. Mead, and T. R. Fasulo
J. C. Nickerson and T. R. Fasulo
Jane E. Deisler, Lionel A. Stange, and Thomas R. Fasulo
T. R. Fasulo
Avas B. Hamon, Thomas R. Fasulo and Lyle J. Buss
H. L. Selman, J. B. Heppner, and T. R. Fasulo
A UF/IFAS numbered Organism ID for Academic and General Public audience(s). in support of UF/IFAS Extension program: Integrated Pest Management
David B. Richman, Frank W. Mead, and Thomas R. Fasulo