Toledo, Izabella
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Extension assistant scientist, Ph. D., dairy, UF/IFAS Animal Sciences Department, Gainesville, FL
Animal Sciences profile
I. M. Toledo, G. E. Dahl, R. A. Bucklin, and D. K. Beede
Izabella Toledo y Geoffrey Dahl
Izabella Toledo
These brochures illustrate steps to optimize milking efficiency and milk quality as well as the importance of environmental management in barns and milking parlors. Written by Izabella Toledo, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, November 2021.
Izabella Toledo and Justina Dacey
Mastitis often reduces animal performance and productivity as well as farm profitability. The purpose of this article is to help small ruminant producers to identify, treat, control, and prevent mastitis in small ruminants. Written by Izabella Toledo and Justina Dacey, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, September 2021.
Izabelle Toledo and Geoffrey Dahl
The purpose of this article is to help producers and herd managers improve milking management and produce high-quality milk. The article may be used as a training tool for new and existing employees. Written by Izabella Toledo, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, October 2021.
Esta publicación esta destinada al personal de trabajo encargado de las labores diarias de la producción en establecimientos de producción de leche. Written by Izabella Toledo, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, October 2021.
Chris DeCubellis and Izabella Toledo
The 4-H dairy goat project is an excellent choice for young people who enjoy working with animals. This particular project allows a 4-H member to work with the same animal for an extended period, possibly even years, as both “kids” can grow together. This new 4-page publication, written by Chris DeCubellis and Izabella Toledo, will explore some of the minimum requirements to successfully care for a dairy goat.
Understanding cows needs and their natural behaviors allows us to adjust facilities in order to optimize cow comfort and subsequent productivity and profitability.
This brochure shows steps to improve milk quality and efficiency when milking cows. Written by Izabella Toledo, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, October 2021.
This publication provides two step-by-step guides: one for testing small ruminants for mastitis using the CMT, and another for hand-milking goats. Written by Izabella Toledo and Justina Dacey, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, February 2022.
Izabella Toledo and Chris Decubellis
This article aims to help small dairy producers learn how to properly clean portable milking machines so they can improve milk quality and prolong the life of milking equipment. This publication is accompanied by one brochure that aims to summarize the steps for proper cleaning of portable milking units. Written by Izabella Toledo and Chris Decubellis, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences, April 2024.