Diem, Keith G
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professor and Extension specialist, UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, Gainesville FL
FYCS Profile
Keith G. Diem, Judy Levings, and Ben Knowles
Why does a 4-H club (for youth ages 8–18) need bylaws? For the same reason our country needs a constitution! By having fair and written rules, the rights of all members can be protected. The following is a suggested format for 4-H bylaws. The bylaws below may be adapted to meet local conditions. Be sure to send a copy of your club's approved bylaws to your county 4-H office. Include in the bylaws the date when they were approved and most recently revised.
Keith G. Diem and Ben Knowles
Keith G. Diem, Joy Jordan, Dale Pracht, and Judy Butterfield. Revised by Candi Dierenfield, Nicole Crawson, Jessica Emerson, Shreemoyee Ghosh, David Hafner, Baliea Scarborough, Paula Davis, Melinda Souers, and Dallas Meringolo.
This is one part of the 4-H Volunteer Training series. It was originally written in 2005, adapted in 2014, and updated in 2023.
Keith G. Diem and Judy Levings
4-H learning methods and sound curriculum materials are well suited to small groups of youth in a variety of settings, including clubs, camps, schools, home-schooling, and "alternative" learning environments. Using a variety of creative teaching methods is essential for getting the attention of youth and adults.
Keith G. Diem, Marilyn N. Norman, and Joy C. Jordan. Revised by Jessica Emerson, Candi Dierenfield, Shreemoyee Ghosh, David Hafner, Amber Norris, Melinda Souers, Paula Davis, and Heather Kent
This is one part of the 4-H Volunteer Training series. It was originally published in 2005 and revised in 2012. It was updated in the summer of 2023 and is now published in 2024.
Keith G. Diem
The UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program is committed to the safety and well-being of its youth as well as the volunteers who help deliver 4-H programs under the supervision of 4-H faculty and staff. All things in life involve some sort of risk. This is especially true when working with youth, but there are many ways that volunteers can minimize this risk and lead safe 4-H activities. Proper planning and common sense certainly go a long way. Although not to be considered legal advice, here are some facts and issues to know and keep in mind while serving as a 4-H volunteer.
Written by Keith G. Diem and Sarah Hensley. Revised by Candi Dierenfield, Shreemoyee Ghosh, Jessica Emerson, Paula Davis, Nicole Crawson, Bailea Scarborough, and David Hafner.
This information sheet is the introduction to the 4-H Volunteer Training Series (VTS). The series contains a wealth of information, from how to start a club, to planning field trips, to how to work with youth. This part was originally published in July 2014 and then revised in July 2018. It was updated in the summer of 2023 and is now revised in September 2024.