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Family Youth and Community Sciences

Editorial Team


Preventing Colorectal Cancer: A Detailed Guide to Screening Methods and Accessing Screening in Florida

FY1542/FCS3399by Melissa J. Vilaro, Valeria Westring, Jennifer Woodard, Samara Purvis, LaTrina Massey, and Wendy WoodAugust 27, 2024This is the second installment in the colorectal cancer prevention series. This article is intended for adults who fall within the recommended age range (45 to 75 years old) for colorectal cancer screening. This article aims to provide up-to-date information about several approved options available for colorectal cancer screening. Written by Melissa J. Vilaro, Valeria Westring, Jennifer Woodard, Samara Purvis, LaTrina Massey, and Wendy Wood, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, July 2024.Critical Issue: Nutrition, Health and Food Safety

Adult Vaccine Confidence and Disparities in Florida

WC464/AEC803by Kathryn A. Stofer, Alissa V. Katsaras, Skye Dougan, and LaToya O’NealJuly 18, 2024This first document in the Adult Vaccination in Florida series provides an overview of expert medical perspectives towards recommended vaccinations for adults in Florida as well as areas of recognized disparities. Written by Kathryn A. Stofer, Alissa V. Katsaras, Skye Dougan, and LaToya O’Neal, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, June 2024.Critical Issue: Organizational Goals

Nothing Will Ever Be the Same: Acknowledging and Recovering from the Trauma of Identity Theft Victimization

FY1540/FCS3397by Axton Betz-Hamilton, Randall A. Cantrell, and Heidi Liss RadunovichJune 7, 2024This publication is a fact sheet intended for individuals who are interested in learning basic information about identity theft, victimization, and ways to navigate the process. The publication aims to inform readers and to help victims of identity theft minimize financial and personal setbacks. Written by Axton Betz-Hamilton, Randall A. Cantrell, and Heidi Liss Radunovich, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, June 2024.Critical Issue: 5. Individuals and Families

Portion Control: A Key to Weight Management

FY1219/FCS8937by Cassie C. Gaisser, Karla P. Shelnutt, Lori Johnson, and Annie WallauMarch 20, 2024Portion sizes and overall calorie intake in the United States have significantly increased over the last 50 years. Along with this increase in calories, portion sizes have grown larger over the years. Understanding portion control can help you eat the right amount of food to maintain a healthy weight. Written by Cassie C. Gaisser, Karla P. Shelnutt, Lori Johnson, and Annie Wallau, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, revised March 2024.Critical Issue: Nutrition, Health and Food Safety

Introducción al apoyo en línea entre jóvenes: una guía para padres y cuidadores

FY1539/FCS3396-Spanby Angela Nielsen y Larry F. ForthunFebruary 28, 2024El propósito de este documento es informar al lector acerca de la amistad en línea entre adolescentes; el suicidio y la salud mental en adolescentes; ideas para apoyar a un adolescente cuyo amigo en línea descubre que tiene pensamientos suicidas o de auto agresión y la importancia de la seguridad y el auto cuidado. Este documento es FCS3396-Span, uno de una serie del Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, UF/IFAS Extension. Publicación original de fecha febrero 2024.Critical Issue: Families and Communities