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Wild and Scenic: A Day in the Life of a Biologist on the Myakka River Part 1

Zahir Ringgold CordesMay 24th, 2024There are many places worth understanding and protecting here in Sarasota County. From acres of imperiled scrub that provides habitat for threatened species and uniquely adapted plant life, to vital mangrove forests that protect our coastlines and serve as a safe haven for the ocean’s next generation. East of Interstate 75 lies over 37,000 acres […]

Wild And Scenic: A Day in the Life of a Biologist on the Myakka River Part 2

Zahir Ringgold CordesMay 24th, 2024Myakka River State Park, formally established and opened to visitors in 1941, is one of Sarasota County’s unique and precious treasures. In late January, I had the opportunity to join a Florida Department of Environmental Protection biologist at Myakka River State Park to survey 14 miles of the Myakka River by kayak, to better understand […]

Wild and Scenic: A Day in the Life of a Biologist on the Myakka River Part 3

Zahir Ringgold CordesMay 24th, 2024Myakka River State Park, formally established and opened to visitors in 1941, is one of Sarasota County’s unique and precious treasures. In late January, I had the opportunity to join a Florida Department of Environmental Protection biologist at Myakka River State Park to survey 14 miles of the Myakka River by kayak, to better understand […]

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