My Junior 4-H Project Report

Florida 4-H Awards and Recognition Action Team: Cash, L., Sachs, G.M., DeCubellis, C.D., Ward, M., Meringolo, D., Hensley, S.T., Toelle, A., & Valencia, L.

My Junior 4-H Project Report (4H GCR 12) is a 4-H record that is recommended for members grades 3–5 (ages 8–10). This report is completed annually for each 4-H project that a member completes for club and county recognition. The 4-H year begins in September and ends the following August. 4-H'ers attach supporting project book, pictures and story to this report.

In EDIS, this publication is DLN 4H033.

Click the Download PDF button to the right to print or view the entire project.

For a fully fillable pdf file please see or contact your local 4-H agent. All files are available on the Initiative 7 Youth Development MS Teams page. Awards and Recognition-CurrentResources-G.Sachs

IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to upload photos in these documents, youth will need to open the document with Adobe Acrobat DC or Reader. Please contact Geralyn Sachs with any questions.