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4-H Swine Record Book 2

Debbie Glauer

Swine Record Book II (4H SWR 11) is an animal sciences publication suggested for 4-H members ages 13 and up. This book can be used after the Swine Record Book I (4H SWR 10). This record book includes a form to take into account the amount of money borrowed to raise your pig. The companion to this record book is Swine Project Manual Book II (4H SWM 11).

In EDIS this publication is DLN 4H 047.

Visit the 4-H Youth Development Curriculum Website for more information on related project material.

Click here to print or view the entire project.

Publication #4HSWR11

Release Date:July 18, 2018

Reviewed At:October 15, 2021

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About this Publication

This document is 4HSWR11, one of a series of the 4-H Youth Development Department, UF/IFAS Extension. Original publication date June 1994. Visit the EDIS website at

About the Authors

Debbie Glauer, member of the 4-H Animal Science Design Team, Department of Family, Youth and Community Science, UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL 32611.


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