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Related Topics: Cattle, Cotton, By-Products, Feeds
Feed Legumes
Grassy or tree legume that provides leaves and stems for grazing or use in silage.
Related Topics: Fishes, Feeds, Fish Health Management and Welfare
Forage is defined as the edible part of a plant, other than the separated grain, that is generally above ground and that can provide feed for grazing animals or can be harvested for feeding. [NALT]
Grasses, clover, alfalfa and other legumes, or any other leafy plant material that is cut and dried to be used for animal feeding. [NALT]
A term applied mainly to grasses (but may include legumes and herbs) that have been cut and dried, usually in the field, to preserve as fodder. [AGROVOC]
Related Topics: Poultry, Feeds, Livestock Feed, Forage, and Nutrition
Related Topics: Poultry, Storage, Feeds, Livestock Pest Management
Related Topics: Poultry, Storage, Feeds, Livestock Pest Management
Any crop that is harvested green and preserved in a succulent condition by partial fermentation in a more-or-less airtight container such as a silo.
Silage refers to feed preserved by an anaerobic fermentation process in which lactic acid and volatile fatty acids (produced by fermentation) lower the pH of the silage.