Natural Resources and Environment Programs
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Best management practices, or BMPs, are cost-efficient processes and activities that improve many aspects of daily life, from healthcare to food service. Agricultural BMPs aim to reduce water use and water quality impacts on farms and ranches while improving or maintaining soil. Additional BMPs focus on forestry practices and lawn care. In Florida, the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) adopts by rule specific BMP manuals as a part of the state’s water quality policy.
The Florida Bird Monitoring Program is no longer accepting new participants. We encourage people to join iNaturalist ( to enter bird sightings.
The Florida Bird Monitoring Program web site allowed people to enter and view collected bird survey data. It has been left up so that people that have entered data can still view it.
The Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) is an adult education UF/IFAS Extension program developed by the University of Florida and provided by many Extension offices and participating organizations throughout the state of Florida. FMNP training will benefit persons interested in learning more about Florida's environment or wishing to increase their knowledge for use in education programs as volunteers, employees, ecotourism guides, and others. For more information about FMNP course offerings and locations, check out the Florida Master Naturalist Program website
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