Ellington, E. Hance
range wildlife specialist and assistant professor, Ph.D., Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, UF/IFAS Range Cattle Research and Education Center, Ona, FL
- Trapping Wild Pigs: Techniques and Designs
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Eastern Indigo Snake
- Wildlife of Florida Fact Sheet: Eastern Bluebird
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheets: Florida Sandhill Crane
- El Azulejo de Garganta Canela
- How to Identify the Wildlife Species Responsible for Damage in Your Yard
- Protecting Florida Panthers by Protecting Domestic Animals: Building a "Panther-Proof" Pen
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Gopher Tortoise
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Feral Swine
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Coyote
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Bobcat
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: White-Tailed Deer
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Burrowing Owl
- Wildlife of Florida Fact Sheets: Introduction
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Northern Crested Caracara
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Northern Bobwhite Quail
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Nine-banded Armadillo
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Florida Panther
- Wildlife of Florida Factsheet: Virginia Opossum
- El sapo de caña o "Bufo" (Rhinella marina) en Florida
- “Las serpientes negras”: identificación y ecología
- Reconociendo las Serpientes Venenosas de Florida
- Cómo identificar las especies de animales responsables por el daño en tu jardín
- Hoja informativa de la vida silvestre de Florida: el puma de Florida