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Agriculture/Horticulture Programs

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Climate and Carbon Extension Educators (C2E2)

Climate change may be one of the biggest issues facing Florida agriculture. Most countries are trying to slow global warming by reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, including through climate-smart agriculture (CSA). Climatesmart agriculture is an integrated approach to managing landscapes, including cropland, livestock, and forests, which addresses the interlinked challenges of food security and climate change.

For example, certain management practices can increase the amount of carbon stored, or sequestered, in the soil. Carbon credits, which can be traded, are a way to reward these management activities. But how can Florida agriculture contribute to carbon sequestration? How can a producer generate carbon credits? And how can they participate in carbon markets?To help answer these UF/IFAS Extension has formed a team of specialists: the Climate and Carbon Extension Educators (C2E2).

Understanding the science, mechanisms, and policy behind the carbon cycle and trading will help Florida’s agriculture better prepare for the carbon economy. 

FDACS/UF-IFAS Florida Farm to School Partnership

This page lists UF/IFAS fact sheets related to the Florida Farm to School Partnership, sponsored and managed by the Florida Department of Agriculture(FDACS).

Variety Trials

A variety trial entails growing different varieties of a crop alongside each other in order to directly compare their performance across any number of characteristics.