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A hypothetical construct of economic theory representing the place all potential buyers and sellers of all goods and services come together, express their desires and offer their wares, through bargaining establish a price structure and production schedule, and complete their transactions. In standard usage it refers to all locations where economic transactions occur treated as a single whole. 

Source: Schwarz, Charles F.; Thor, Edward C.; Elsner, Gary H. 1976. Wildland planning glossary. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-13. Berkeley, Calif.: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station via NALT


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Carbon markets

An arena for carbon dioxide emissions trading, i.e. the buying and selling of emission allowances (credits or shares) and emission reductions for metric tons of carbon dioxide, or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases emitted into the atmosphere.


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Imperfect Competition Yields Profitable Market Opportunities

Jessica M. RyalsJuly 1st, 2021Imperfect Competition Yields Profitable Market Opportunities JANUARY 28, 2021 AGRI-BUSINESS, GENERAL, TOP POSTS, VSCNEWS MAGAZINE By Kimberly L. Morgan and Jessica Ryals Photo credit: © / In nearly all introductory economics courses, the agricultural industry serves as the primary example of a “perfectly competitive” market structure. In theory, farmers are not able […]

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