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Weekly “What is it?”: Migrating Mangroves

carriestevensonOctober 11th, 2024Here in northwest Florida, salt marshes ring the bays. Common in brackish and salty water, these grassy meadows form a protective ring around the shorelines where rivers and bayous empty out into larger bodies of water. While there are numerous species present in salt marsh ecosystems, the two most common are saltmarsh cordgrass and black […]

Exploring Florida’s Natives: Marigold

Julia SirchiaOctober 1st, 2024Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) have long been beloved for their rich coloring and ability to suppress plant – parasitic nematodes. This is true, however, simply planting marigolds in your garden or landscape, or intercropping, will not reduce nematode populations. Let’s explore the origins and growing conditions of the marigold. Origins of the Marigold Marigolds are native […]

Create a Wattle in Your Yard

Anne YasalonisSeptember 5th, 2024Are summer storms dropping dead branches and twigs onto your yard? Recycle them and create a “wattle” fence!  Wattles, or hurdles, have been in use since the Middle Ages; originally used as portable fencing for grazing sheep. Over time, designs have evolved and many examples of beautiful woven fencing can be found worldwide. Back to […]

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