4-H Afterschool Resource Guide: Developing and Managing a 4-H Afterschool Program
Sharon K. Junge (original lead), Vanessa Spero (lead), Laura Valencia, Niki Crawson, J. R. Davis, Tara Dorn, Stacy Hall, Karen Henry, Heather Janney, Beth Kerr, Andrea Lazzari, Abby Morgan, Kristie Popa, Cindy Smalley, Melinda Souers, Katelin Stenro
This guide will assist Extension professionals in establishing new after-school programs in communities with insufficient programs available for school-age youth. The chapters cover a range of steps and considerations, including conducting needs assessments, hiring and training staff, and program sustainability. However, this guide cannot cover everything required. Additional resources that provide more in-depth information and tools are listed in this publication. The original educational material was edited and revised for this edition by the National Association of 4-H Youth Development Professionals Afterschool Working Group, led by Vanessa Spero.