Agehara, Shinsuke
associate professor, vegetable and fruit crops, Horticultural Sciences Department, UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center, Wimauma, FL
- Chapter 1. Commercial Vegetable Production in Florida
- Chapter 16. Strawberry Production
- Vegetable Production Handbook of Florida, 2024–2025 edition
- Chapter 2. Fertilizer Management for Vegetable Production in Florida
- Chapter 3. Principles and Practices of Irrigation Management for Vegetables
- Protected Culture for Vegetable and Small Fruit Crops: The Soilless Trench System
- Protected Culture for Vegetable and Small Fruit Crops: Types of Structures
- 'Florida Beauty' Strawberry
- 'Florida Brilliance' Strawberry
- Choosing the Right Blackberry Cultivar in Subtropical Florida
- Methods for Strawberry Transplant Establishment in Florida
- Métodos para el establecimiento de trasplantes de fresas en Florida
- Useful Image-Based Techniques for Manual and Automatic Counting Using ImageJ for Horticultural Research
- Construcción del Sistema de Tutorado para Lúpulo y su Establecimiento en Florida
- Selección y Preparación del Material de Trasplante para la Producción Exitosa de Lúpulos en Florida
- Uso de Iluminación Suplementaria para Controlar la Floración de Lúpulos en Florida
- Prácticas de Manejo de Cultivo y Mano de Obra Empleadas para la Producción de Lúpulos en Florida
- How to Install Twines in a Hopyard
- Chemical Budbreak Induction Methods to Increase Blackberry Yields under Inadequate Chilling Conditions
- Cómo Instalar Cuerdas para un Sistema de Tutorado en un Campo de Lúpulo
- How to Determine the Optimum Time to Harvest Hops
- Hop Harvesting Procedures for Small-Scale Production
- Postharvest Pruning Guide for Hops in Florida
- Cómo Determinar el Tiempo Óptimo para Cosechar Lúpulos
- Procedimientos para Cosechar Lúpulos en Producción a Pequeña Escala
- Guía de Poda Postcosecha para Lúpulos en Florida
- Using Supplemental Lighting to Grow Hemp in Florida
- Managing Spider Mites in Florida Hops
- UF/IFAS Nutrient Management Recommendation Series: Strawberry
- Fertilization of Strawberries in Florida
- Florida Edible Garden Plants: Hops (Humulus lupulus)
- Packaging and Storage of Hops (Humulus lupulus)
- Process of Drying Post-Harvest Hops (Humulus lupulus) for Small-Scale Producers Using a Novel Drying Rig
- Harvest Techniques for Hops (Humulus lupulus)
- LED Light Increases Leaf Area and Root Length of Humulus lupulus (var. Tettnanger) In Vitro