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When It Storms: Managing Pests Effectively

Jackie LebouitzOctober 3rd, 2024Whether you’re preparing for a storm or dealing with its aftermath, pests are probably the last thing on your mind. That’s fair – we get it! However, taking the time to prepare your home in defense against unwanted ants, flies, beetles, moths, mosquitoes, and more will serve you well in the long-run. Here are 10 […]

Florida Farm Pests: Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA)

Luis Rodriguez RosadoSeptember 30th, 2024They are strong and aggressive. When they attack, they bite and they sting you. These guys invade our homes, and take over our farms and landscapes, and they do this without us even noticing: they are Red Imported Fire ants.   What are Imported Fire Ants and Where Did They Come From? Imported ants are […]

Plagas de las Fincas de Florida: Hormigas Rojas de Fuego Importadas (“Red Imported Fire Ants” [RIFA])

Luis Rodriguez RosadoSeptember 30th, 2024Son fuertes y agresivas. Cuando atacan, muerden y te pican. Estos individuos invaden nuestros hogares y se apoderan de nuestras granjas y jardines, y lo hacen sin que nos demos cuenta: son las hormigas rojas de fuego importadas.   ¿Qué son las Hormigas de Fuego Importadas y de Dónde Vienen? Las hormigas de fuego importadas […]

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