The Greenhouse Frog (Eleutherodactylus planirostris) in the United States
Bella Gonzalez, Faith Dunlap, Ethan Hancock, Abbigail Johnson, Sasha Karlsson, Mia Keriazes, Chris Landaeta, Lana Ng, Keraj Patel, Keppler Popovich, and Steve A. Johnson
This publication summarizes general knowledge about the greenhouse frog, a species introduced and established in the United States. Our target audience is primarily homeowners in Hawaii and Florida where the greenhouse frog is most common, but residents in other Southeastern states will also find this publication useful. Greenhouse frogs have been documented in several other states in this region and continue to expand their range. Homeowners usually encounter greenhouse frogs in their gardens and among potted plants, and sometimes in their swimming pools when the frogs fall in. Curious people then seek information on the frog’s identity. Our goals are to provide tips on greenhouse frog identification, to show the frog's geographic range in the United States, and to describe its biology and known or potential impacts.