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Mosquito-borne diseases

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West Nile Virus

West Nile encephalitis virus. Encephalitis caused by a virus of the Flaviviridae family. Causes West Nile fever, which is characterized by headache, fever, arthralgia, maculopapular rash, myalgia, lymphadenopathy and leukopenia. Transmitted and/or spread by mosquitoes from the genus Culex (family Culicidae).

Entry terms: Kunjin virus, West Nile flavivirus, WNV (West Nile virus), KUNV (Kunjin virus)


Yellow Fever Virus

Entry terms: Flavivirus febricis, YFV (Yellow fever virus)

Yellow fever is an acute infectious disease primarily of the tropics, caused by a virus and transmitted to man by mosquitoes of the genera Aedes and Haemagogus. The severe form is characterized by fever, hemolytic jaundice, and renal damage.

Zika Virus

This page lists useful information about the Zika virus. The primary focus of the science-based information and recommendations to be found here are ways you can reduce your exposure to mosquito bites and ways you can reduce the mosquito populations around your home and neighborhood.

Good sources of information about the disease in humans are the CDC, MedlinePlus and NIH.

For current University of Florida information including communications, prevention tips, resources, and research, see the UF Zika Prevention website at

UF/IFAS resources

Entry terms: SPOV (Spondweni virus), ZIKV (Zika virus), Spondweni virus

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